Know of any organization that uses SWIP email templates? (was: Fwd: [arin-announce] Email Template Retirement Scheduled for 3 June 2024)

NANOGers -

Please note the following announcement from ARIN regarding retirement of email-based SWIP updates to the ARIN registry.

While we are presently providing transition assistance to several organizations identified by their use of this functionality in the recent past, it is possible that some organizations have little-used tools who may be unaware of this upcoming transition – hence this wider email distribution to make sure that the community is apprised of the retirement of SWIP email template processing at ARIN as of 3 June 2023. See the attached announcement for information on the consultation that was held, the open source template processor we’ve made available and the REST-based alternative.


John Curran
President and CEO
American Registry for Internet Numbers