Katrina impact on US internet backbone -- analysis

I'd be interested in what the curmudgeons on the
list think about this:


- ferg



not to put too fine a point on it, but this post appears, to me, to be
unmitigated (or poorly mitigated) crap. many, many of the fiber paths
between atlanta and houston don't go v. close to new orleans. most of
them appear to be functioning rather well. the linked-to story
appears only to refer to Internet2, not exactly "the internet",

renesys will be releasing a report on the net impacts of this event
early-to-mid next week and it should have detail related to who was
out (mostly locally originated) and when and for how long. we've got
some good data from our routing data sources and some interesting data
contributed by other parties as well.

if anyone has information about broader net-effects of this outage
that you'd like to share, pls let me know or post to the list here.


As the chief crumudgeon of the day I guess I'll take a stab at that one.

Personally, I think what I've always thought:

* Internet2 is a glorified sandbox for college kids, not the Internet.
* Boingboing is not a source of actual networking news.
* Apparently neither is NANOG these days.

And now for some actual technical content (some people may want to avert
their eyes):

FWIW we have a wave running between Atlanta and Houston on Global Crossing
which has not blinked once, since their express ring on that path bypasses
New Orleans completely (only their Florida ring passes through NO). Level
3's only path through New Orleans is also off of their Florida ring, looks
like they have an Atlanta->Dallas route that is decidedly non-costal which
would probably be shorter for reaching Houston anyways. WCG's
Atlanta->Houston route seems to be the same as GX, bypassing New Orleans
completely, and only passing through it for the Florida ring. This would
probably explain why we've heard so little about non-regional impact for
the majority of users.

Anyone want to take a stab as to what vendor the Internet2 guys are using?


Does anyone have any links, maps, etc, that shows an overview of which fiber providers traverse Louisiana, touching Baton Rouge, which do not have eastbound paths dependant on New Orleans facilities?

I am not looking for exact routes, yet.

I know the general one that was generated for the state in 2002.

Looking for OC-48 links.

Please contact me off list. Providers contacting me is ok.

Thank you


Ok, thanks to everyone who pointed out that it is Qwest.

Looks like Qwest is one of the few who's fiber route from Atlanta to a
Texas location goes through New Orleans without going all the way around
Florida, and without having another non-Florida path which is primary.


Gerry Boudreaux wrote:


Does anyone have any links, maps, etc, that shows an overview of which fiber

> providers traverse Louisiana, touching Baton Rouge, which do not have eastbound
> paths dependant on New Orleans facilities?

I am not looking for exact routes, yet.

I know the general one that was generated for the state in 2002.

This is classified information since 9/11 to prevent terrorist from devastating
the communications infrastructure of the USA? Everybody's blind these days and
without vital information for non-terrorist events.