junkmailers take the day off....?


     This is not a complaint, but today seems to be a major disturbance in the force...my junkmail load seems to be WAAAYYYY down today, like they all are out at the beach or something... some major botnet get shutdown or something???


We can only hope it is so...

I'm seeing the same thing. Weird.

-mel via cell

I'm seeing the same thing. Weird.

-mel via cell

> Hi,
> This is not a complaint, but today seems to be a major disturbance in the force...my junkmail load seems to be WAAAYYYY down today, like they all are out at the beach or something... some major botnet get shutdown or something???

A large portion of the Swedish newspaper web sites were hit with a fairly
large attack yesterday evening MET, around 1830UTC. Perhaps the keyword is
"retasked". Fwiw, I also saw a decline in my spamcount.

Something which has long worried me is that they get smart enough to
stop spamming network admins and similar.