Juniper vMX evaluation - how?

Pardon if this is off-topic -- but this is really beginning to wind me up.

So, shows that Juniper Networks vMX is available for a 60-day evaluation. This requires filling out a form to create an account on

I don't currently have such a login. $CLIENT filled out such a form well over a month ago, and never heard anything back. Normally, I'd expect to be able to download as soon as an account is approved. Meanwhile, we get preoccupied with other tasks.

Is some special magic required to acquire an evaluation copy? The 60 day trial license is directly downloadable from the above link, but the tarball is not. $CLIENT was just referred to it by $RESELLER.

I downloaded it in the past and can¹t remember having any issues
downloading itŠ Getting it to work in my environment was a bit more
challenging, however. I do have a Juniper login which is required. I
also just verified that I can download application package:

MD5 SHA1 <>
28 Dec 2015

You need to be logged in to download the vMX archive as well as the eval
license key. Both I was able to get once logged in.



On 4/13/16, 5:54 PM, "NANOG on behalf of Bruce Simpson"

I'd be interested as well — I submitted a form, nothing but crickets.

It was a struggle to get anywhere with vMX when we last tried ~8months
ago. Nobody at Juniper seemed to know anything about it or who to talk
to. In any event, you may be able to get more information by asking over
at juniper-nsp@.


Creating the account should be pretty straightforward. If there is an issue in getting the login to work, I would contact Juniper.

If they are an authorized partner, then $RESELLER would surely have access to the download.



Avoid vMX 14.x - go straight to 15.x, save yourself worlds of pain. 15.x runs well kvm/esxi/etc.


Thanks to all who responded (and thanks to the NANOGger who provided me with images).

I am a bit disappointed that others have also had the silent treatment after signing up to download vMX.

I am unsurprised that vMX 14.x has had teething troubles. I also hope JNPR listen to us that Intel are not the only SR-IOV game in town. Onward...

I too have been waiting a couple weeks for my login to Juniper to do a
trial download of vMX.

A sidenote - the new version of cloudrouter has DPDK support. But I
couldn't get it to boot in my limited afternoon time with it.