Juniper SRX-210 -- CCC certificate required

Hello altogether,

I'm in kind of a pinch currently - I have to get a Juniper
SRX-210 into China. That got the box stuck at import there,
and they demand the CCC certificate from us.

Unfortunately, Juniper has as yet not been willing or able
to respond to this request (ongoing for weeks), and I wonder
if anyone on this list might just have the certificate on file...

If so, please help me out - I'm pretty desperate and would
even consider buying you a beer at NANOG49. :wink:
(Well, don't have to be desparate for that...)


This maybe doesn't help you as much as a CCC istelf, but, seeing that it
may have been "ongoing for weeks":
...something in the back of my head says they retracted from their
initial stance recently (few month ago?) and said the CCC for IT
security kit was only needed for Gov't Procurement kit - I could be very
wrong, it was a snippet of casual conversation in passing.

Maybe you're just up against extra red tape, officials not up to speed
etc; or maybe it is for a Govt Contract after all.

Good luck either way


Re Gordon, (gordon b slater) wrote:

...something in the back of my head says they retracted from their
initial stance recently (few month ago?) and said the CCC for IT
security kit was only needed for Gov't Procurement kit - I could be very
wrong, it was a snippet of casual conversation in passing.

Thank you for this side note already - I'll forward your thoughts,
maybe it helps. Still, if anyone can dig something up...

Maybe you're just up against extra red tape, officials not up to speed
etc; or maybe it is for a Govt Contract after all.

It's not for a government contract (it's for the renewal of the
".de" ccTLD DNS setup in Beijing), and they could have put the
red tape around other stuff that's in there. I guess it's just
the usual formalism.

Unfortunately, Google doesn't come up with anything about SRX's
and CCC certification, though there seems to be a version with
chinese plugsets...


You should buy locally in China and Juniper's partner in china will provide
you CCC.

Shahid (Lala Lander) wrote:

You should buy locally in China and Juniper's partner in china will provide
you CCC.

Thank you for the insight, Shahid. Can you please send me your time machine? :wink:
