I've been informed that I'm off-topic and off-charter

so I will no longer post about SPEWS here.

Of course, I find it exceedingly interesting that Ms. Harris decided to
yell at me and apparently not at any of the other 30+ people participating
in the thread. Nor can I find any comments in the charter or on the web
site about whether spam or DNS blacklists are on-topic or off-topic for
this mailing list. And I don't expect Susan to reply to the private e-mail
I sent her reiterating those two exact points.


Me too, but I don't really mind. I'm off topic a lot. Like,
this. Seriously, autmated spam notifiers wasting resources internet
wide is an operational issue, but who am I to say? I've only been
doing net ops/eng for many years so I can't tell the difference
between a goldfish and a mako. ;D

[ Wait, is being off topic on topic? ]

Of course, I find it exceedingly interesting that Ms. Harris decided
to yell at me and apparently not at any of the other 30+ people
participating in the thread.

No, you're not alone.


Nor can I find any comments in the charter or on the web site about
whether spam or DNS blacklists are on-topic or off-topic for this
mailing list.

I'm not sure I see the logic in it either. Spam is a problem deeply
impacting every single network operator -- far moreso than IRC DDoS,
problems with clue-deprived residential cable and DSL services,
building core routers with commodity PC hardware, and the like. :wink:

Still, her list, her rules, gotta respect 'em...


Remember, a mako is just a goldfish built to milspec.