It's been 20 years today (Oct 16, UTC). Hard to believe.

At NANOG two weeks ago, we had an interesting discussion at one of the lunch tables. One of the subjects we discussed was the original IANA, and RFC Editor, Jon Postel.

Seven of the ten people at the table had never heard of him. Maybe these days it no longer matters who he was, and what he meant to where we are today.


For those who care about the history of the Internet, and routing and addressing. And protocols…

Oct 16, 1998.

At NANOG two weeks ago, we had an interesting discussion at one of the lunch tables. One of the subjects we discussed was the original IANA, and RFC Editor, Jon Postel.

Seven of the ten people at the table had never heard of him. Maybe these days it no longer matters who he was, and what he meant to where we are today.


For those who care about the history of the Internet, and routing and addressing. And protocols…

And the principles that make it “the Internet”, not just “some internets.”



How soon we forget!

It was a telephone call to Jon (there was no email) in 1981 that
got my group the network that I still manage. He was the editor
for the three RFCs that have my name on them. I remember him as a
brilliant, kindly, efficient, helpful, and dedicated giant of the
early Internet.
  - Brian

It is a fact that I learned much of what I initially knew about
internetworking by reading the protocols outlined in many of the
offical RFC documents. You couldn't pick one of these up without
seeing the name Postel at the top. I never met him but give due
deference and respect to his work and what it ultimately produced.