It Continues...Sprint Is played the fool...

Suggested reading are the rules and regulations for common carriers,

Good idea, I suggest everyone do this, or at least have a chat with their
company lawyer. Common carrier laws and regulations are a bit dry, but
I read a bunch of them dating back to the 1600's. All based on English
Common Law, because my non-english language skills are lacking.

  Joe does not like the fact that I call him on the
  phone, so he calls my local phone operator and have
  them to block my phone for outgoing calls.

  My mother is about to die and she needs and ambulance,
  but the phone does not work.

This is a strawman argument. Barry didn't asked Sprint to block all
outgoing communication, or calls to emergency services, only calls to
his network number. A different division of Sprint will block calls between
certain telephone numbers at the request of the subscriber. They advertise
the blocking as a 'feature.' So this isn't a company-wide policy, but rather
a division-level business decision. Unless your mother is in the habit of
calling Software Tool & Die for ambulances, I don't see the relevance.

All ISP's should have as a policy to move packets, or for some
atlest try to move packets as close they can to the destination.

You could have this policy for your ISP. But it isn't a requirement of
common carriers when the carrier knows the addressee refused the shipment.

An old example, you hire a livery to ship horse manure to my house.
I tell the livery I don't want the horse manure delivered to my house.
The livery does not have to move the horse manure as close as they can
to my front door after I tell the livery I refuse to accept it.

A more modern US-centric example, attach a US Post Office Business Reply
mailer on a brick, and you will discover the post office will discard the
brick as close as they can to the origin. This does not mean you can't
mail bricks through the mail. One man mailed an entire house to Alaska,
one brick at a time, and the post office delivered them. But if the Post
Office knew the addressee had refused to accept the bricks in Alaska, the
Post Office isn't required to ship the bricks to Alaska just so the shipment
could be refused.

[replies set to]

This is a strawman argument. Barry didn't asked Sprint to block all
outgoing communication, or calls to emergency services, only calls to
his network number. A different division of Sprint will block calls between
certain telephone numbers at the request of the subscriber. They advertise
the blocking as a 'feature.' So this isn't a company-wide policy, but rather
a division-level business decision. Unless your mother is in the habit of
calling Software Tool & Die for ambulances, I don't see the relevance.

For the record: As of 4AM EST 1/14/97 the mail looping continues,
that's going into the 13th day. I'll admit it's slowed a little, down
to mere hundreds of msgs per day.

I called Sprint around 7PM Monday (1/13/97) evening, a few hours ago,
and got this load of bull about common carriage forbidding them from
doing anything about it, and (having been away the past few days)
found email from another Sprint employee from the same office who
believed it should have stopped by now (that was from Wednesday or
Thursday last.)

Someone should really do an online FAQ / intro to common carriage, and
the universal service mandate agreed to by AT&T in the Communications
Act of 1934 which people often glibly confuse with common
carriage. Two different things, but clearly conflated in a lot of
technical peoples' minds.

It's embarrassing and somewhat insulting to have employees of
companies such as Sprint making up stuff about their "policies" over
the phone, and at a level of competence which wouldn't pass muster on

I don't even believe there's any Sprint company policy involved here
anymore, there are just too many contradictions and lies being flung
about (I could go on, the same person who complained to me in email
about all my requests to the spammer to stop all being copied to his
dept's mailbox last week, tonight asked me if I'd ever actually asked
the spammer to stop! Short memory I guess.)

At this point I feel like the deckhands are telling us that the
Titanic is just going through its mandatory iceberg preparedness drill
and hoping we'll buy it...