Issue AS and Subnet Announcment on BGP - Conflict with a major TelCO - 30h+ of route flapping unresolved


    I know somebody that is experiencing route flapping for more than a day now and we found out 10h ago that it was due to the announcement of his subnet by a major TelCO.

    Once that telco contacted, we got the run around for 10h now and no willingness from their part to fix the problem immediately.

    We're wondering what is the proper process to make the TelCo correct their behavior and cooperate?
    (ARIN Conflict Resolution Process, etc ... We found nothing about this situation)


    ( For fun go take a look with )


   I know somebody that is experiencing route flapping for more than a
day now and we found out 10h ago that it was due to the announcement of
his subnet by a major TelCO.

   Once that telco contacted, we got the run around for 10h now and no
willingness from their part to fix the problem immediately.

  Well, a 'normal' solution (short term) would be to announce more
specific announcements of your address space, then contact said Telco's
upstream providers to have your prefix filtered from their connection(s).
A nicely worded (polite) email/fax would go a long way with the NOC.

  This is of course, if they are not returning your calls, or as
you say giving you the run around. I would also try to find a sympathetic
body at the telco to help to properly resolve the issue, so you can go back
to announcing only your aggregate netblock.

   We're wondering what is the proper process to make the TelCo correct
their behavior and cooperate?
   (ARIN Conflict Resolution Process, etc ... We found nothing about
this situation)

  ARIN will not step in here. They allocate resources, they do not
police or enforce those resources.



    ( There is more interesting details but I will reserve myself. (; )

    We're already working on making contact with the upstreams, but you're right I forgot about making more specific announcement.

    Thanks again.

Charles Gucker wrote:



   ( There is more interesting details but I will reserve myself. (; )

   We're already working on making contact with the upstreams, but you're right I forgot about making more specific announcement.

   Thanks again.

Just don't be too surprised if...

A. Your vendors blocks more specifics from you.
B. No one listens to your more specifics because they are TOO specific.
C. You contribute just a little bit more to the de-aggregation of the Internet (tongue in cheek).




    A. Yeap we got the ok
    B. I used /21 instead
    C. Once that TelCo stop being a child we'll be back to /20, I'll like to keep it clean.

    We had excellent support from the peers of that TelCo, so the matters should be resolved today and the subnet back to be announced in his origial form.

    Have fun...

Blaine Christian wrote:


    1. Get the peers involved.

       We got help from bigger players than them.

    2. Get more specific announcement of the subnets in question.

       Be a good netadmin, don't leave them for too long...

    3. Get your management involved. They can call upon legal means of making it happen.

       Remember to keep the names of the tech/admin you've talk too.

    Worked for us...


    4. ARIN could re-assign the subnet to a new AS, they where very eager too help but we didn't need to do it.

    Have fun...

Alain Hebert wrote: