ISP Shaping Hardware

Hey all,

Just wondering what/if people are using any shaping hardware/appliances
these days, and if so, what.

I have a client which has thousands of customers on Satellite and needs to
restrict some users who are doing a lot.

So I wanted to see what the current popular equipment out there is.


*Skeeve Stevens - *eintellego Networks Pty Ltd ;

Phone: 1300 239 038; Cell +61 (0)414 753 383 ; skype://skeeve ; <>

experts360: ; blog:

The Experts Who The Experts Call
Juniper - Cisco - Cloud - Consulting - IPv4 Brokering

I have a client which has thousands of customers on Satellite and needs to
restrict some users who are doing a lot.

Is QoS in the network infrastructure coupled with strictly-enforced quotas
insufficient to needs?

These permanently-inline boxes and blades that dork around with general
Internet traffic to/from eyeball networks can be a support/troubleshooting
headache . . .

Is QoS in the network infrastructure coupled with strictly-enforced quotas
insufficient to needs?

for satellite, no.

These permanently-inline boxes and blades that dork around with general
Internet traffic to/from eyeball networks can be a support/troubleshooting
headache . . .


The high latency and bandwidth costs on satellite connections are a world
of pain. It should show how awful things are when you can actually improve
things by installing inline bandwidth accelerators and traffic shapers.


Used following two product to shape traffic on packet level (L3). Had no
issue with several thousand customer.


Found "Allot" is very popular for satellite based Internet specially in
south pacific island countries.


I know and feel the same way Roland. Just trying to figure out the best
way to get these users with a scare resource under control.


*Skeeve Stevens - *eintellego Networks Pty Ltd ;

Phone: 1300 239 038; Cell +61 (0)414 753 383 ; skype://skeeve ; <>

experts360: ; blog:

The Experts Who The Experts Call
Juniper - Cisco - Cloud - Consulting - IPv4 Brokering

Hey all,

Just wondering what/if people are using any shaping hardware/appliances
these days, and if so, what.

I have a client which has thousands of customers on Satellite and needs to
restrict some users who are doing a lot.

So I wanted to see what the current popular equipment out there is.

I get pretty good results out of Fortinet Fortigate firewalls
(100D/800C/1500D). I use them for both web filtering and P2P rate control.
They also do WAN optimisation and some caching but I have not used that.
They scale up to 20+gig (FG3700D). When looking at the scaling you need to
use the IPS throughput rating if you are turning on DPI for P2P control.
Cost wise they are pretty good against other DPI boxes.

What I'd really love is a vAppliance. Some of these hardware solutions are
VERY expensive for offering only an average solution. I'd also rather not
rely on their hardware, but servers with VMware (or whatever) that we can
design our own redundancy.

Does anyone know if Allot does a Virtual Appliance?

I've also heard that pfSense is an interesting option... That could easily
be virtualised I would assume.


*Skeeve Stevens - *eintellego Networks Pty Ltd ;

Phone: 1300 239 038; Cell +61 (0)414 753 383 ; skype://skeeve ; <>

experts360: ; blog:

The Experts Who The Experts Call
Juniper - Cisco - Cloud - Consulting - IPv4 Brokering

Yes, pfSense can be virtualized. I did it once with VMWare to create a
site2site tunnel, although I used Workstation 10 on Windows7 rather than
the bare metal ESXi, but I wouldn't expect any changes.

Hi Skeeve,

Have you heard of Saisei (

They have a very good product that allows you to do this and much more in a virtualised environment.
The software solution allows for very small to very large scale deployments and has a RESTful API for easy integration with your applications.
They are getting a lot of traction with some of the major players in the industry around the globe.

I can get you in touch with the right people if you like?



Not sure if Allot has GA on the virtual appliances but they did a demo
earlier this month

What I'd really love is a vAppliance. Some of these hardware solutions are
VERY expensive for offering only an average solution. I'd also rather not
rely on their hardware, but servers with VMware (or whatever) that we can
design our own redundancy.

Does anyone know if Allot does a Virtual Appliance?

I've also heard that pfSense is an interesting option... That could easily
be virtualised I would assume.


*Skeeve Stevens - *eintellego Networks Pty Ltd ;

Phone: 1300 239 038; Cell +61 (0)414 753 383 ; skype://skeeve ; <;

experts360: ; blog:

The Experts Who The Experts Call
Juniper - Cisco - Cloud - Consulting - IPv4 Brokering

Used following two product to shape traffic on packet level (L3). Had no
issue with several thousand customer.



Found "Allot" is very popular for satellite based Internet specially in
south pacific island countries.


>Hey all,
>Just wondering what/if people are using any shaping hardware/appliances
>these days, and if so, what.
>I have a client which has thousands of customers on Satellite and needs


Hello Guys.
What about DPI solutions? We use Cisco SCE8000 for traffic policing and
billing purposes. Also, as we in MNO market we use PCRF tools too.

What you think about BSDRP? It's another FreeBSD with ipfw and dummynet,
very ease to use for shaping.


I never used it. I always get a fresh install of FreeBSD and configure it
from scratch so that it doesn't have all of the overhead from pfSense...
Downside is that you have to configure it all by hand, but when all you
need is one or two features, I prefer to do that instead. I usually go with
pfSense for OpenVPN tunnels since it's just quicker with the GUI.


The platforms I¹ve seen used for large scale dpi is procera I¹ve heard
rave reviews, but also comes with the price tag.

Carlos Alcantar
Race Communications / Race Team Member
1325 Howard Ave. #604, Burlingame, CA. 94010
Phone: +1 415 376 3314 / /

Hi Guys,

Not sure if this got posted before as I didn't see it come in my Inbox.

Have you heard of Saisei (

They have a very good product that allows you to do this and much more in a virtualised environment.
The software solution allows for very small to very large scale deployments and has a RESTful API for easy integration with your applications.
They are getting a lot of traction with some of the major players in the industry around the globe.

I can get you in touch with the right people if you like?



Procera is probably the best product for real DPI. The key is the
signatures. It matches everything so granular it's simply fantastic.
Right down to what update you're grabbing for your iPhone.

As was said, you'll be paying for it.

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

We've used a few over the years. We had Packeteer Packetshapers originally but they became way too expensive once Bluecoat acquired them. $50,000 for an appliance to shape a 1 gig pipe. IIRC,$10,000 per year on maintenance at the time. These prices are after discount.We looked at the following to replace them.


We went with Exinda and I like the solution. These days, I rely on it more for reporting and traffic/protocol analysis than for shaping, but the shaping does work as advertised. Keep in mind, these solutions can't shape on asymmetric traffic since they need to see the entire flow. If you have a pair of links, you'll need to cluster a pair of shapers so they can share flow information.

I also have tested out the traffic shaping on PFSense VMs and it works. I never pushed production traffic through them but my home firewall is a PFSense VM and the shaping works there. Not sure how it would handle a large number of clients though.

I haven't heard of a Virtual Appliance for Allot. We have used the appliance for quite some time already but I am looking forward in replacing it (as soon as possible) due to the poor support in our region.
