ISP Responsibilities [WAS: Re: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers]

To cut through the noise and non-relevant discussion, let's see if we can
boil this down to a couple of issues:

1. Should ISPs be responsible for abuse from within their customer base?

1a. If so, how?

2. Should hosting providers also be held responsible for customers who
abuse their services in a criminal manner?

2.a If so, how?

I think anyone in their right mind would agree that if a provider see
criminal activity, they should take action, no?

If that also holds true, then why doesn't it happen?

Providers in the U.S. are the worst offenders of hosting/accommodating
criminal activities by Eastern European criminals. Period.


- - ferg

Yes -- if they wish to be considered at least minimally professional.
The principle is "if it comes from your host/network on your watch, it's
your abuse". Given that many common forms of abuse are easily identified,
and in many cases, easily prevented with cursory due diligence upfront,
there's really no excuse for what we see on a regular basis. Abusers have
learned that they don't have to make the slightest effort at concealment
or subtlety; even the most egregious and obvious instances can operate
with impunity for extended periods of time. [1]

As I've often said, spam (to pick one form out of abuse) does not just
magically fall out of the sky. If I can see it arriving on one of my
networks, then surely someone else can see it leaving theirs...if only
they bother to look. And of course in many cases they need not even
do that, because others have already done it for them and generously
published the results or furnished them to the RFC2142-designated contact
address for abuse issues.


[1] One would think, for example, that many ISPs and web hosts would
have learned by now that when a new customer fills a /24 with nonsensically
named domains or with sequentially numbered domains that the spam will
start any minute now. But fresh evidence arrives every day suggesting
that this is still well beyond their capabilities.

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To cut through the noise and non-relevant discussion, let's see if we can
boil this down to a couple of issues:

1. Should ISPs be responsible for abuse from within their customer base?

  Yes, but, there should be an exemption from liability for ISPs that take
  action to resolve the situation within 24 hours of first awareness (by
  either internal detection or external report).

1a. If so, how?

  Unless exempt as I suggested above, they should be financially liable
  for the cleanup costs and damages to all affected systems.

  They should be entitled to recover these costs from the responsible
  customer through a process like subrogation.

2. Should hosting providers also be held responsible for customers who
abuse their services in a criminal manner?

  Absolutely, with the same exemptions specified above.

2.a If so, how?

  See my answer to 1a above.

I think anyone in their right mind would agree that if a provider see
criminal activity, they should take action, no?


If that also holds true, then why doesn't it happen?

Because we don't inflict any form of liability or penalty when they fail to do so.


1. Should ISPs be responsible for abuse from within their customer base?

Not sure, ISPs role is just to move packets from A to B, you need to
clearly define what constitutes abuse and how much of it is considered
a crime.

If I call your home every five minutes to harass you over the phone is
AT&T responsible ?

1a. If so, how?

Pull the plug without looking at how much you are billing.

2. Should hosting providers also be held responsible for customers who
abuse their services in a criminal manner?

Same as 1,

2.a If so, how?

Same as 1a.

I think anyone in their right mind would agree that if a provider see
criminal activity, they should take action, no?

If that also holds true, then why doesn't it happen?

What incentive they have to do so ? and how liable they become if do
something without a court order or such ?

Providers in the U.S. are the worst offenders of hosting/accommodating
criminal activities by Eastern European criminals. Period.

Probably true, here money talks.


:I think anyone in their right mind would agree that if a provider see
:criminal activity, they should take action, no?

What a provider "should" do and what makes sense under the law of the
land are two different things.

:If that also holds true, then why doesn't it happen?

The laws pertaining to what's required of people when witnessing a
crime vary by locality within the U.S. I dunno how they work for
the rest of the NANOG audience. What is required of people versus
what's required of corporate entities varies, too. "Good Samaritan"
laws are hardly universal, and don't always play well with the other
laws of the land.

Things can get ugly when some murky behavior gets retroactively deemed
a crime (perhaps by some tech-challenged judge or jury) and a provider
becomes an accessory after the fact. "You mean, the DMCA makes THAT
illegal?!?" Or, perhaps a provider tries to take some small action in
the face of a crime, then is deemed to have a "special relationship"
making them liable for not being quite helpful enough. "You mean, I
have to rebuild my entire network because my customer support rep has
reported bad behavior to the authorities?"

Ultimately, acting on crime is a rat's nest. Some providers have
enough trouble dealing with attacks from Pax0rland, extracting sane
prices for last-mile service, evaluating/deploying new technology,
keeping up with all the off-topic emails on NANOG, etc.

Raise the bar so the least-paid front-line rep requires a "customer
support within the law" class. Create a legal climate where the only
way it makes sense to provide bits involves a big army of attorneys
and lobbyists to define the regulatory climate. Let's make total
provider consolidation a reality... then we won't need those pesky
32-bit ASNs. :slight_smile:

Back to work...

To cut through the noise and non-relevant discussion, let's see if we can
boil this down to a couple of issues:

If I may offer a few edits and comments .....

1. Should ISPs be responsible for abuse from within their customer base?
1. Should ISPs be responsible for every thing from within their customer base?>

1a. If so, how?

[Good question. The answers will be hard, and some of the answers will
seem to some to be against their own "self interest. How does a
toll-road operator do it? An inn-keeper?]

2. Should hosting providers also be held responsible for customers who
abuse their services in a criminal manner?

[A legal question--is the inn keeper responsible for the harm to you of
a meth lab he allows to operate in the room next to yours?]

2.a If so, how?

See above.

I think anyone in their right mind would agree that if a provider see
criminal activity, they should take action, no?

In some US states the law requires it.

If that also holds true, then why doesn't it happen?

It's hard. It costs to much (actually false in my opinion--see "trashed
hotel rooms"). Somebody else should be doing it. Personal (see also
"corporations as persons") responsibility is now an undefined term.

Providers in the U.S. are the worst offenders of hosting/accommodating
criminal activities by Eastern European criminals. Period.

All the crap I get, I get from a (nominally[1]) US provider.

[1] China probably holds the mortgage, which is another problem for
discussion another day (and somewhere else).

What happened to the acronyms "AUP" and "TOS"?

1. Should ISPs be responsible for abuse from within their customer base?

Not sure, ISPs role is just to move packets from A to B, you need to
clearly define what constitutes abuse and how much of it is considered
a crime.

If I call your home every five minutes to harass you over the phone is
AT&T responsible ?

1a. If so, how?

Pull the plug without looking at how much you are billing.

I'd say pull the plug while watching the balance sheet.

I have no idea how many providers of netnews service there are left--not
many because they waited for somebody else to solve the problems. I
subscribe to one that rigorously polices spam and troll traffic (from
their own customers _and_from_the_world).

And for less than some of the other services. (They are associated with
a German University, I think, so there may be a subsidy issue. I would
pay several times as much as I do for the service--maybe an order of
magnitude more.)

What incentive they have to do so ? and how liable they become if do
something without a court order or such ?

Is "survival" an incentive?

Providers in the U.S. are the worst offenders of hosting/accommodating
criminal activities by Eastern European criminals. Period.

Probably true, here money talks.

But it doesn't listen. It waits for the bailout.

How does the question change with a "regulator" telling them they are?

And does it matter if I refuse all calls from ATT because they don't?

What happened to the acronyms "AUP" and "TOS"?

I'm not sure what you mean by that. I'm talking about an ISPs liability to
third party victims, not to their customers.

"Acceptable Use Policy" and "Terms of Service"

AUP/TOS are between the ISP and their customer.

Very good. Does that provide an answer to the earlier question about
"what is a provider to do?" when a customer misbehaves? Does that
provide a method for assigning liability?

I am not a lawyer, but it doesn't seem a stretch to me to include, in
this context, traffic from peers and transit providers.

Larry Sheldon wrote:

What happened to the acronyms "AUP" and "TOS"?

I'm not sure what you mean by that. I'm talking about an ISPs liability to
third party victims, not to their customers.
"Acceptable Use Policy" and "Terms of Service"
AUP/TOS are between the ISP and their customer.
Very good. Does that provide an answer to the earlier question about
"what is a provider to do?" when a customer misbehaves? Does that
provide a method for assigning liability?

I am not a lawyer, but it doesn't seem a stretch to me to include, in
this context, traffic from peers and transit providers.
"Acceptable Use Policy" and "Terms of Service"

Imagine for a moment you're speeding... You get pulled over, get off
with a warning. Phew! You speed again, get pulled over again, you get a
warning. How long will it be before you just outright ignore the law and
speed simply because you know all you will get is a warning. AUP's and
TOS' mean little if they're not enforced and I theorize that they're not
enforced perhaps because a company's staff is likely to be overwhelmed
or underclued as to how to proceed past a generic: "Thou shall not spew
dirty traffic in my network or else..." Or else what? You're going to
flood their inbox with "Thou shall not" messages?

In the case of Mr. Amodio and I believe Owen griping about insecure
software, I offer you this analogy...

You buy a car and as you're driving along a message comes into the
dashboard: "Car Update needed, to fix A/C" you ignore it. Don't update
it who cares, you're driving smoothly. Another alert comes into the car
dashboard: "Critical alert, your breaks need this patch"... You ignore
it and drive along. 5-10 years later the car manufacturer EOL's the car
and support for it. You crash... Who is to blame, the car manufacturer
or you for not applying the updates. Granted the manufacturer could have
given you a better product, the fact remains, it is what it is.

Don't blame the software vendors blame oneself. I've seen even the most
savvy users using OS' *other* than Windows get compromised. I performed
an incident response about 8 months ago... 42 machines 41 Linux, 1
Windows... Guess what, all the Linux boxes running Apache were
compromised. They were running vulnerable software on them (Wordpress,
etc). So to compare Apples and Oranges (Windows versus another) is

[Lots of good stuff snipped.]

Don't blame the software vendors blame oneself. I've seen even the most
savvy users using OS' *other* than Windows get compromised. I performed
an incident response about 8 months ago... 42 machines 41 Linux, 1
Windows... Guess what, all the Linux boxes running Apache were
compromised. They were running vulnerable software on them (Wordpress,
etc). So to compare Apples and Oranges (Windows versus another) is

Exactly so (applies also to the snipped material).

Responsibility. Individual, personal and corporate responsibility.

Using only the fingers of a clinched fist to indicate the location of
the best agent for correcting a problem.

You buy a car and as you're driving along a message comes into the
dashboard: "Car Update needed, to fix A/C" you ignore it. Don't update
it who cares, you're driving smoothly. Another alert comes into the car
dashboard: "Critical alert, your breaks need this patch"... You ignore
it and drive along. 5-10 years later the car manufacturer EOL's the car
and support for it. You crash... Who is to blame, the car manufacturer
or you for not applying the updates. Granted the manufacturer could have
given you a better product, the fact remains, it is what it is.

Unfortunately in the software industry you get (when you do, not
always) the alert and the patch after the fact, ie the exploit has
been already out there and your machine may probably have been already

I never seen any operating system coming with a sign saying "Use at
your own risk", why when I buy a piece of software I have to assume it
to be insecure, and why I have to spend extra money on a recurring
basis to make it less insecure, when there is no guarantee whatsoever
that after maintenance, upgrades, patches and extra money my system
will not get compromised because a moron forgot to include a term
inside an if before compiling.

Insecurity and exploitable software is a huge business. I don't expect
software to be 100% safe or correct, but some of the holes and issues
are derived form bad quality stuff and as car manufacturers the
software producers should have a recall/replacement program at their
own cost.

My .02

Jorge Amodio wrote:

Unfortunately in the software industry you get (when you do, not
always) the alert and the patch after the fact, ie the exploit has
been already out there and your machine may probably have been already

I never seen any operating system coming with a sign saying "Use at
your own risk", why when I buy a piece of software I have to assume it
to be insecure, and why I have to spend extra money on a recurring
basis to make it less insecure, when there is no guarantee whatsoever
that after maintenance, upgrades, patches and extra money my system
will not get compromised because a moron forgot to include a term
inside an if before compiling.

Insecurity and exploitable software is a huge business. I don't expect
software to be 100% safe or correct, but some of the holes and issues
are derived form bad quality stuff and as car manufacturers the
software producers should have a recall/replacement program at their
own cost.

My .02
Again, apples and oranges to a degree. Car owners don't receive a "use
at your own risk" disclaimer either. Yet some Toyota owners faced
horrifying instances of "subpar" prechecks. GM recalled a million or so
cars and the list will always go on and on. Mistakes happen period and
when mistakes DON'T happen Murphy's Law does. I can speak for any
software vendor but I can speak about insecurity and exploitability of
software. That too is what it is from any standpoint be it anywhere in
Redmond to any other location. Look at Sun's horrible misstep with telnet:



The Solaris 10 Operating System, the most secure OS on the planet,
provides security features previously only found in Sun's military-grade
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9 Vulnerabilities for Microsoft *ANYTHING* of the first 60 published.
But again, this is irrelevant. I don't care for any operating system
anymore. I care for the one that accomplishes what I need to do at any
given time. Be it Linux, Windows, BSD, Solaris heck get me plan9 with
Rio, I could care less. However, myself as an end user, I'm the one
responsible for my machine as I am the one running it. If I find it to
be insecure or "virus/trojan/malware/exploitability" prone, there is no
one shoving it down my throat. Even if I didn't know any better. So for
those who are unaware of what's going on, how difficult would it be to
create a function within an ISP tasked with keeping a network structured
to avoid allowing OUTBOUND malicious traffic.

We could argue about: "But that would be snooping" where I could always
point at that a NAC could be set up prior to allowing a client to
connect. Can anyone honestly tell me that one of their clients would be
upset slash disturbed slash alarmed about an ISP protecting them (the
customer) as well as other "neighbors" (customers)? That's like saying:
"Oh they set up a neighborhood watch association... and they're watching
over my house when I'm not home or capable of watching all sides of my
house... HOW DARE THEY!" Sorry I can't picture that happening. What I
picture is fear and people dragging their feet.

I can tell you what though, for the first company to pick up on that
framework, I can guarantee you the turnover rate wouldn't be as high as
say being on a network where now the business connection is lagged
because of spam, botnets and other oddities that could have been prevented.

Actually, that might be in their purview.

The example I would use is if someone called you to sell you swamp
land in Florida or otherwise try to swindle you is that the phone
company's responsibility, to ensure the honesty of all phone

Again, apples and oranges to a degree. Car owners don't receive a "use
at your own risk" disclaimer either. Yet some Toyota owners faced
horrifying instances of "subpar" prechecks. GM recalled a million or so
cars and the list will always go on and on. Mistakes happen period and
when mistakes DON'T happen Murphy's Law does. I can speak for any
software vendor but I can speak about insecurity and exploitability of
software. That too is what it is from any standpoint be it anywhere in
Redmond to any other location. Look at Sun's horrible misstep with telnet:

Note, however, that in all of these cases, the car manufacturers were
liable and did have to take action to resolve the issues.

WHY are software companies not held to these same standards?

There's no need for new law, just for the judiciary to wake up and
stop granting them a bizarre and unreasonable exemption from the
existing laws.


Hash: SHA1

To cut through the noise and non-relevant discussion, let's see if we can
boil this down to a couple of issues:

1. Should ISPs be responsible for abuse from within their customer base?

No and no. The first no being legally, the second, morally.

The user is responsible for the abuse. Now, if the question had been whether
the ISP should be responsible for dealing with it appropriately, then the
answer would be yes.

Of course, when it comes to the legal aspect, it would probably vary from
country to country. No, let me rephrase that: It _does_ vary from country to
country, and probably also state to state.

However, to hold someone else responsible for a person's criminal activity
would be just plain wrong, as long as the ISP's part in the activity is only to
give their customer access to networks and services that every other customer
also gets access to.

2. Should hosting providers also be held responsible for customers who abuse
their services in a criminal manner?

No. For several reasons.

First, the hosting provider normally does not have too much control over what
the customers actually do. If someone complains, or they detect something
through audits or similar, that is different. But even then, there will be
certain problems.

How does the hosting provider know that something is, in fact, criminal? In
some cases, that may be obvious, but there will be cases where the case is not
so clear. If the provider might be held responsible for something their
customers do, they might decide to remove legal content 'just in case'.

Also, who would determine whether something is illegal or not? Tech support?
The admin? I doubt that any of those are able to determine something that
courts tend to spend a lot of time and resources on.

I think anyone in their right mind would agree that if a provider see
criminal activity, they should take action, no?

Not necessarily.

Again, this would of course depend on the laws in the given state or country.
However, people disagree on what is considered legal or not. If everyone _had_
agreed on this, the courts would have had less work.

It is the responsibility of the judicial system to determine whether someone is
breaking the law or not. For commercial companies to start making that sort of
judgements is, at least in my opinion, _not_ a good thing.

From recent article at MIT Technology Review:

How ISPs Could Combat Botnets
Focusing on the top 50 infected networks could eliminate half of all compromised machines.

Convincing Internet service providers to pinpoint infected computers on their networks could eliminate the lion's share of zombie computers responsible for churning out spam and initiating other online threats, according to a new analysis.

The researchers analyzed more than 63 billion unsolicited e-mail messages sent over a four-year period and found more than 138 million unique internet addresses linked to sending out the spam. Typically such machines have been hijacked by hackers and are corralled into a vast network of remote-controlled system known as a "botnet."

By correlating the Internet protocol addresses of these spam-sending machines with the networks maintained by Internet service providers, the researchers found that about two-thirds of them were located in the networks managed by the 200 largest ISPs from 40 countries. The top-50 networks responsible accounted for more than half of all compromised IP addresses. If these ISPs were to shut down, or block, the malicious machines on their networks, it could cut worldwide spam by half.

"Those 50 ISPs are not the [dubious] ones we hear about," says Michel van Eeten, professor of public administration at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands and one of the authors of a paper on the research, which will be presented next month at the Workshop on the Economics of Information Security at Harvard University. "They are the ones we deal with every day, and so are more approachable and are in the reach of government."

Rest here: