ISP Filter Policies

I've noticed that is a little out of date,
and I was wondering if anyone knows whether any ISPs currnetly have issues
with /24 BGP advertisements for blocks outside of the traditional Class C

We have some migrations to do from one space to another and having the ability
to do some /24 advertisements during that period would be greatly helpful.

I see that even Verio now accepts prefix lengths /24 or shorter.


Adam Clark said the following on 24/8/07 04:02:

I've noticed that is a little out of date,
and I was wondering if anyone knows whether any ISPs currnetly have issues
with /24 BGP advertisements for blocks outside of the traditional Class C

My regular analysis report shows 120790 /24s in the BGP table today. So
I'd suspect that there are few problems with /24 advertisements; but
that's just my BGP view, could be different elsewhere.

Before you start your migration, announce one /24 as a trial and see
what happens?


I've got an interesting view/project that i've been working on that
is related to announcements ... :wink: you need to watch what you announce
even if it's transient, you may end up on my webpage..

  i've only got about a day or two of data, but if you check
out my page here:

  You'll see recent routing leaks as well as be able to search them.
It's still in "alpha" mode, but you may find this interesting to search
on your as-path to find out who may be leaking your routes. Some
folks have complained that I don't currently exempt a couple of the RIPE
RIS beacon prefixes, so if you see those, it may not be an issue.

  btw, many thanks to those networks who have already cleaned up
or responded to questions about your policy in the pre-alpha stage of
this project.

  - Jared


We have some migrations to do from one space to another and having
the ability to do some /24 advertisements during that period would
be greatly helpful.

Always assume you have no visibility everywhere and that your
squeakiest wheel will have some connection to a site you hadn't
considered, believed obscure, etc. Recall the first clause of
the robustness principle and apply it to your signalling. Test
well in advance of any actual cut.

We have some migrations to do from one space to another and having
the ability to do some /24 advertisements during that period would
be greatly helpful.

Always assume you have no visibility everywhere and that your
squeakiest wheel will have some connection to a site you hadn't
considered, believed obscure, etc. Recall the first clause of
the robustness principle and apply it to your signalling. Test
well in advance of any actual cut.

how? if i read you aright, you are saying that there will likely be a
few strange folk at the 'edges' of the internet who will have problems
and whine. but it is extremely hard to get data (i.e. route views, ris,
traceroute servers, ...) from the edge.


What percentage of those strange folk are the strange folk who have
problems and whine even when things are operating correctly?