ISC Patches

The official announcements are going out via the
list, but just in case:

Best Wishes - Peter Losher

: The official announcements are going out via the
: list, but just in case:

I know you aren't favorable to doing the work internally to ISC, but has
anyone scoped out the effort involved in backporting this to BIND 8?

Once upon a time, Todd Vierling <> said:

Chris Adams wrote:

Once upon a time, Todd Vierling <> said:
> : The official announcements are going out via the
> : list, but just in case:
> :
> :
> I know you aren't favorable to doing the work internally to ISC, but has
> anyone scoped out the effort involved in backporting this to BIND 8?

I'm interested in that as well (BIND 9 as a recursive server on Tru64
doesn't work in my experience), but I would suggest any discussion about
that move over to the BIND list or the USENET gateway

Just as long as a pointer to the result is posted back here for those
of us that are not BIND workers (merely BIND users). We are only
running BIND 8, and although I'm about to try 9 on our dedicated mail
recursor today ('cause we need this badly as our queues fill), I'm
reluctant to just toss it in customer facing recursors yet.

> I know you aren't favorable to doing the work internally to ISC, but
> has anyone scoped out the effort involved in backporting this to BIND
> 8?

it's under consideration now. bind8 is not a priority for the bind forum,
and isc would rather put it in feature-freeze, but we're looking into it.
bind9's internals make "delegation-only" easy to implement. bind8's
internals are pretty twisty.

I'm interested in that as well (BIND 9 as a recursive server on Tru64
doesn't work in my experience),

works fine here. bind9 is what f-root runs, and also all of our recursive
servers, some of which are tru64. try it, you'll like it.

but I would suggest any discussion about that move over to the BIND list
or the USENET gateway comp.protocols.dns.bind.

agreed, other than to clear up the above in the same forum where it was heard.

: works fine here. bind9[....] try it, you'll like it.

As the poster originally asking ISC about a patch for BIND8 on this list:

I overcame my fear (probably exacerbated by prior talk about how pthreads
were so "important" to bind9, and I'm on a pthreads-less system) and
installed it today with only a couple config twiddles. I don't think I'm
going back either. :stuck_out_tongue:

(Although I noticed that NetBSD's pkgsrc version of bind9 doesn't install
the HTML docs, which are now required in order to understand named.conf
changes. I'll probably submit a change request for that.)

FreeBSD's does. :slight_smile:

Doug (aka