Is there *currently* a shortage of IPv4 addresses?

I know that a shortage of IPv4 addresses has been anticipated for quite some time (literally decades), however, is there a shortage *right now*?

I ask, because Liquid Web is using it as an excuse to raise their prices:

"We're contacting you today to inform you of a change to your account. As you may know, the global shortage of IPv4 addresses ( continues to impact web hosting companies around the world. ... Effective August 31st, we will be updating our per IPv4 address price to $2.00 per IP."



IPv4 has been depleted in ARIN region since ~2015, it’s supply and demand.


Every RIR has either assigned all the space that it has been allocated, or is getting very close and restricting the amount of v4 addresses that can be requested. Once that occurs, you can get on a waiting list to obtain space from the RIR that has been returned to the pool, but there are no guarantees on how long that will be, and if you could even get enough v4 space for your needs.

The only other option then becomes the secondary transfer markets, where costs to acquire v4 space are much higher than what direct allocations from the RIRs used to be.

I know that a shortage of IPv4 addresses has been anticipated for
quite some time (literally decades), however, is there a shortage
*right now*?

yes, ipv4 space is tight

our per IPv4 address price to $2.00 per IP.

open market is O($20) per host address. that is 'buying' it. and then
you will pay annual fees to some RIR.


Agreeing with the other replies about scarcity. Also wanted to comment that address exhaustion affects web hosts particularly hard because "SEO experts" continue to believe that if a site they work on does not have an exclusive IP, they're being penalized by Google. They'll convince clients to migrate around hosts until they find one that will allocate an address, so the choice is buy address space or suffer if your platform is not otherwise unique.

IP address space is no longer free. But an ISP or hosting company is a trader of addresses now and like everything else we do, there is an opportunity to make a margin.

Say the provider bought at $12 per address and assuming IPv4 is needed for at least 10 years, that would only be .1 USD/month.

But does that mean it is unfair to claim a $2 rent on that? What if the service has other components that are equally cheaper?


tir. 4. aug. 2020 21.34 skrev Anne P. Mitchell, Esq. <>:

$2/month is one of the more reasonable pricing schemes I’ve seen. Many providers are gouging $5 and in some cases as much as $15/month for static IPv4 addresses.

The good news is that IPv6 is still quite inexpensive and works even better.


For an overview of open market pricing, you might look at

You may also find this talk interesting in context:
Mythic Beasts, which is a data center operator in London, gave a talk to the IPv6 Operations Working Group in the IETF two years ago, and used these slides: If you look through them, you'll find a discussion of the address shortage and what impact it has on pricing from them.

In short, Mythic Beasts find that IPv6 service is virtually free, and don't charge for it. They find that when a customer pushes them to also give IPv4 addressing, they have to charge, as it costs them, and they find that making the customer engineer explain to his/her bean counters why the need it often has the effect of convincing the company to use IPv6 externally.

In short, yes, there is a shortage of IPv4 addresses, and the net result is both an increase in price and an increase in network complexity.

We got a new block from ARIN 12-23-2019 19:40:59. I remember many that were on the list for months to a few years that also got allocated that week.

Josh Luthman
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Matt Harris​

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I think it’s also worth pointing out that there is administrative and technology overhead to leasing out IPs as well; some liability too when it comes to network abuse. Additionally, not every user returns their IPs as they received them, many find their way onto blacklists or other negative reputation lists and must be cleared as the new lessee stumbles upon these issues.
