Is there any data on packet duplication?

How often do packets magically get duplicated within the network so that the
target receives 2 copies? That seems like something somebody at NANOG might
have studied and given a talk on.

Any suggestions for other places to look?

Context is NTP. If a client gets an answer, should it keep the socket around
for a short time so that any late responses or duplicates from the network
don't turn into ICMP port unreachable back at the server. Nothing critical,
just general clutter reduction.

I have packet captures from a NTP server. I'm trying to sort things out.
There are a surprising (to me) number of duplicates that arrive back-to-back,
sometimes the timestamp is the same microsecond. They could come from buggy
clients, but that seems like an unlikely sort of bug.

Hey Hal,

How often do packets magically get duplicated within the network so that the
target receives 2 copies? That seems like something somebody at NANOG might
have studied and given a talk on.

I can't tell you how common it is, because that type of visibility is
not easy to acquire, But I can explain at least one scenario when it
occasionally happens.

1) Imagine a ring of L2 metro ethernet
2) Ring is connected to two PE routers, for redundancy
3) Customers are connected to ring ports and backhauled over VLAN to PE

If there is very little traffic from Network=>Customer, the L2 metro
forgets the MAC of customer subinterfaces (or VRRP) on the PE routers.
Then when the client sends a packet to the Internet, the L2 floods it
to all eligible ports, and it'll arrive to both PE routers, which will
continue to forward it to the Internet.
This requires an unfortunate (but typical) combination of ARP timeout
and MAC timeout, so that sender still has ARP cache, while switch
doesn't have MAC cache.

In the opposite direction this same topology can cause loops, when PE
routers still have a customer MAC in the ARP table, but L2 switch
doesn't have the MAC.

I wouldn't personally add code in applications to handle this case
more gracefully.

Hi Saku,

That's what spanning tree and its compatriots are for. Otherwise,
ordinary broadcast traffic (like those arp packets) would travel in a
loop, flooding the network and it would just about instantly collapse
when you first turned it on.

A slightly more likely scenario is a wifi link. 802.11 employs layer-2
retries across the wireless segment. When the packet is successfully
transmitted but the ack is garbled, the packet may be sent a second

Even then I wouldn't expect duplicated packets to be more than a very
small fraction of a percent. Hal, if you're seeing a non-trivial
amount of identical packets, my best guess is that the client is
sending identical packets for some reason. NTP you say? How does
iburst work during initial sync up?

Bill Herrin

My understanding of Layer 2-based Metro-E networks is that
multi-directional traffic would be prevented by way of Spanning Tree.


Hey Bill,

That's what spanning tree and its compatriots are for. Otherwise,
ordinary broadcast traffic (like those arp packets) would travel in a
loop, flooding the network and it would just about instantly collapse
when you first turned it on.

Metro: S1-S2-S3-S1
PE1: S1
PE2: S2
Customer: S3
STP blocking: ANY

S3 sends frame, it is unknown unicast flooded, S1+S2 both get it
(regardless of which metro port blocks), which will send it via PE to

STP doesn't help, at all. Hope this helps.

In the above, is S3 part of the Metro-E ring, or simply downstream of S1
and S2?


Ring of 3 switches, minimum possible topology to explain the issue for
people not familiar with L2.

To be clear, is the customer's device S3, or is S3 the ISP's device that
terminates the customer's service?


S1-S2-S3-S1 is operator L2 metro-ring, which connects customers and
2xPE routers. It VLAN backhauls customers to PE.


In 2014, we hit a similar issue, although not in a ring.

Our previous architecture was to interconnect edge routers via
downstream, interconnected aggregation switches to which customers
connected in order to support VRRP.

Since customers do strange things, both edge routers received the same
traffic, which caused pain.

Since then, we don't support VRRP for customers any longer, nor do we
interconnect aggregation switches that map to different edge routers.

Your example scenario describes what we experienced back then.



Metro: S1-S2-S3-S1
PE1: S1
PE2: S2
Customer: S3
STP blocking: ANY

S3 sends frame, it is unknown unicast flooded, S1+S2 both get it
(regardless of which metro port blocks), which will send it via PE to

STP doesn't help, at all. Hope this helps.

Yeah, except that unless you use static ARP entries, I can't come up
with a plausible scenario in which this would happen for NTP. Assuming
we're talking about a non-local NTP server, S3 will not send an NTP
packet without first sending an ARP. Yes, your ARP will be flooded,
but your NTP packet won't be transmitted until there is an ARP reply.
By that time MACs have been learned, and the NTP packet will not be
considered BUM traffic, right?

That said, I have seen packet duplication in L2 onlu networks that
I've worked on myself, but that was because I disregarded a lot of
rules from the imaginary networking handbook.



The plausible scenario is the one I explained. The crucial detail is
MAC timeout (catalyst 300s) being shorter than ARP timeout (cisco 4h).
So the device generating the packet knows the MAC address, the L2 does

Hope this helps!

Hi Saku,

Add low-traffic connection and default 1024s maxPoll of NTP and this
duplication is guaranteed to happen for 97.9% of packets.

There's a link in the chain you haven't explained. The packet which
entered at S3 has a unicast destination MAC address. That's what was
in the arp table. If they're following the standards, only one of PE1
and PE2 will accept packets with that destination mac address. The
other, recognizing that the packet is not addressed to it, drops it.

Recall that ethernet worked without duplicating packets back in the
days of hubs when all stations received all packets. This is how.

That having been said, I've seen vendors creatively breach the
boundary between L2 and L3 with some really peculiar results. AWS VPCs
for example. But then this ring configuration doesn't exist in an AWS
VPC and I've not particularly observed a lot of packet duplication out
of Amazon.

Bill Herrin

There's a link in the chain you haven't explained. The packet which
entered at S3 has a unicast destination MAC address. That's what was
in the arp table. If they're following the standards, only one of PE1
and PE2 will accept packets with that destination mac address. The
other, recognizing that the packet is not addressed to it, drops it.

There are many reasons why practical devices (such as VXR) don't use
MAC HW filters. Such as your PHY runs out of HW filter slots, or the
HW does not support per-vlan HW filter, or there is 1 subinterface
with EoMPLS configured or other type of L2 service, requiring
reception of any DMAC.
There are also many reasons why both routers have the DMAC in their HW
filter, such as VRRP, HSRP.

for example. But then this ring configuration doesn't exist in an AWS
VPC and I've not particularly observed a lot of packet duplication out
of Amazon.

Amazon does nothing standard, it's all AMZN.

Hope this helps!

They don’t have to break anything or get creative , just assume vrrp between the PE Routers.

Not sure how many vendors drop by default if they are not the active router.



bugs like
where both hw forwarded and punted packet are sent to destination?