Is there a DNS lookup, traceroute, ping and HTTP GET as a service?


I'm evaluating different datacenters and vendors accross the globe and it
isn't worthy to perform tests like DNS, traceroute, ping and HTTP GET from
my office. I need to be able to perform this tests remotely, from multiple

The only company I know allow such thing is ThousandEyes, but it is
brutally and inexplicably expensive and doesn't fit perfectly to what I'm
looking for. It has a paradigm I'm willing to monitor 24x7 specific targets
from multiple points of view. I need to make tests on demand, on different
targets and URLs.

Does anyone know such service, DNS lookup, traceroute, ping and HTTP GET as
a service from multiple nodes geographically spread?

Thanks in advance,

Kurt Kraut

ripe atlas?

For common tests like ping and traceroute, google "ip looking glass".
There are a lot of them in a lot of locations, all free to use.



Thank you for the quick replies. Sorry for not being clear enough: I need
it to have an API so I can integrate it with my own solution, generate my
own metrics. So looking glasses are pretty much useless: they don't support
HTTP GET and DNS lookup (usually) and the parsing for so many different
HTML or telnet sources would be very time consuming.

Also I've seen many looking glasses with captchas to halt these intents. So
I need a SaaS with an API for these tests.

About RIPE ATLAS, I already have one of their boxes and it never worked.
Simply doesn't appear as online. Their support just barely gave me some
tips but with no meaningful result. I need something reliable and I'm
willing to pay for this service. RIPE Atlas falls in the category of 'best

Best regards,

Kurt Kraut



Hi there,

About RIPE ATLAS, I already have one of their boxes and it never worked.
Simply doesn't appear as online. Their support just barely gave me some
tips but with no meaningful result. I need something reliable and I'm
willing to pay for this service. RIPE Atlas falls in the category of 'best

Best regards,

I find this surprising. Like many hundreds/thousands of people around
the globe I find RIPE ATLAS an excellent and reliable way to get the
measurements you require.

You may not have had the best experience with your probe setup but I'm
sure that if someone can assist you with setup you'll be pleasantly
surprised at the ability the network of probes has to fulfill your needs
- after all it is the biggest measurement network on the internet today!

(at least that's what my t-shirt says)




About RIPE ATLAS, I already have one of their boxes and it never worked.
Simply doesn't appear as online. Their support just barely gave me some
tips but with no meaningful result. I need something reliable and I'm
willing to pay for this service. RIPE Atlas falls in the category of 'best

RIPE Atlas probes? you just plug them intoa working network with DHCP and
away they go - I'd investigate why it doesnt work - RIPE expect probe users
to be technically proficient and that the networks that the probes are on arent
RIPEs to debug/troubleshoot. once you have a working one iy can do tests but
you then also have access to the testing system that they offer allowing you
to do on-demand tests for various things from probes around the world whever you
want - depending on how many points you have. I have a few million or so points :slight_smile:



...and SamKnows?


a message of 45 lines which said:

About RIPE ATLAS, I already have one of their boxes and it never
worked. Simply doesn't appear as online. Their support just barely
gave me some tips but with no meaningful result.

Like most people, I have a very good experience with RIPE Atlas
probes. If they fail (it never happened to me), there is a very
comprehensive FAQ <RIPE Atlas - RIPE Network Coordination Centre;
and the nice people on the user mailing list (remember it is a
community service, the RIPE-NCC is not a commercial support team) are
very responsive.


Have you checked out some of the website monitoring sites?

I know Hyperspin has a free test for most of their locations:

UptimeRobot, has free monitoring for up to 50 sites:

If you want to check DNS propagation, I use:

-- Matthew


> Hi,
> I'm evaluating different datacenters and vendors accross the globe and it
> isn't worthy to perform tests like DNS, traceroute, ping and HTTP GET from
> my office. I need to be able to perform this tests remotely, from multiple
> endpoints.
Have you checked out some of the website monitoring sites?

Can also look at GTmetrix:

which has rest api to launch real browser from a bunch of different
locations and then can access the HAR file to see time to first byte,
dns resolution, and a bunch of other metrics.

Full disclosure, GT owns it (but you can do everything you want with
free api).



Hello Kurt,

Like others have commented RIPE Atlas works very well and many people use
it with much success. The only limiting factor for you will be HTTP GET
tests but for other tests you mentioned it will run fine. I would
definitely recommend to give it one more try.

I would like to mention our service - ProbeAPI ( We
are a new service launched this year. I believe we tick all the boxes for
your requirements. For non-commercial purposes API access is free.
Otherwise feel free to get in touch.

To anyone else - yes this is self-promotion I am new to the group (more
involved in RIPE community than NANOG). I think this is very relevant to
Kurt's question but if you don't think its appropriate please do let me


