Is the .to (Tonga) domain completely rogue and should be removed?

About a year ago, I asked Vixie if he would RBL porn sites. I might have
supported the RBL if there were a moral high ground. He said no.


P.S. Barry, I do feel sorry for you. Perhaps you should just refuse spam
complaints, and try to get them to stop using your domains. Instead of
stealing a domain, all the spammers need to do is change their addresses to
uucp style addresses, and their mail will likely be accepted, and bounces
shouldn't leave the system.

We've been having increasing problems with one or more porn sites in
the .to domain promoting itself by massive spamming of AOL customers
using one of our domains in their From: header thus causing both
complaints to us and thousands of bounces from AOL due to bad AOL
addresses in their spam lists.

About a year ago, I asked Vixie if he would RBL porn sites. I might have
supported the RBL if there were a moral high ground. He said no.

And rightfully so. Prudish issues aside, it would have *lost* him the moral
high-ground he now enjoys. The criteria is clear, anti-spam, not
baby-sitting consenting adults. Since you live in the USA, you should
understand what the first amendment is about.

But, this is *wwwaaaayyyyyy* off topic, by light-years, and I'll say no
more about it here. See me in NetMail.

P.S. Barry, I do feel sorry for you. Perhaps you should just refuse spam
complaints, and try to get them to stop using your domains. Instead of
stealing a domain, all the spammers need to do is change their addresses to
uucp style addresses, and their mail will likely be accepted, and bounces
shouldn't leave the system.

We don't accept uucp here.