Is the .to (Tonga) domain completely rogue an

Mr. Shein:

With all due respect, I think your management of the .to domain is a
hazard to the internet and should be ceased immediately. By your gross
negligence you are providing safe haven to criminals.

I'm sorry, but your reply leaves me somewhat mystified.

If you could be more specific as to what acts of "gross negligence"
you believe Tonic is guilty of in its management of the .TO top level
domain, we would take your opinions under serious evaluation and
see if there are ways we could improve the operation of our registry.

As of this minute, about 2:30PM EDT 10/1/98, the domain-hijacker
spammers have a web address in the .to domain and are
spamming/domain-forging to advertise this, as they have been
doing for weeks.

In my last posting, I brought to your attention the existence of
our pioneering antispam policy. If you could be specific as to
which "domain-hijacker spammers have a web address in the .to domain"
and send a copy of the spam(s) to,
we would be able to warn the domain name holders, and/or
terminate their domain name registration if they are in repeated
violation of our antispam policy.


- Eric Gullichsen
  Tonic Corporation
  Kingdom of Tonga Network Information Center

You know, Mr Gullichsen, you can answer every complaint you get with
"why didn't you tell us this before!", but it's not fooling anyone.

So why was the Consulate's web page changed from an advertisement for
a software company to something having to do with the Kingdom of Tonga
in the past couple of hours?


You know, Mr. Shein, you can compose each one of your posts to make it look
like you've been bugging TONIC for weeks to remove the domain, but it's not
fooling anyone.