is reverse dns required? (policy question)

i'm currently having an argument with management.

we've recently gotten an influx of customer request for us to setup reverse dns for the customer's mail servers, since most sites (aol, freebsd, others) require it to accept mail, and reject mail if it is not from a server with reverse dns (i'm aware this is an emerging trend).

because of previous management decisions, we were never directed to setup any reverse dns records for any customers unless solicited to do so by the customer.

however, management has taken it upon themselves to charge our customers
for every reverse dns request they submit to us.

my argument to management is that it's good practice to set this up even before customer solicitation, and to do specific host names per customer specification, completely with-out cost.

my question is:

are we obligated, as a user of ARIN ip space, or per some BCP, to provide ad-hoc reverse dns to our customers with-out cost, or without financial obligation.


From a purely network operations perspective: YES, every IP
  address should have matching forward & reverse DNS. That's been
  beyond best practices and into the "everybody does it unless
  they're really stupid" realm for well over a decade.

  Reverse DNS has only become /more/ important as spam-blocking
  efforts noticed the strong correlation between networks too lazy
  to maintain reverse DNS, and networks too lazy or evil to care
  if they were hosting spammers.

  As for the finances...that's up to you, but I've never before
  heard of a provider who charged extra for it.

Besides, if customers "need" it to make their mail work, choosing not to do it will be a good indication to your customers that another provider might be more supportive.

Basic non-custom reverse DNS on everything is a "good thing" to put in place regardless.

- Robert

J.D. Falk wrote:

i'm currently having an argument with management.

Don't we all, always? :slight_smile:

we've recently gotten an influx of customer request for us to setup reverse dns for the customer's mail servers, since most sites (aol, freebsd, others) require it to accept mail, and reject mail if it is not from a server with reverse dns (i'm aware this is an emerging trend).

Don't know if I would call it "emerging", as some people have done it for years.

however, management has taken it upon themselves to charge our customers
for every reverse dns request they submit to us.

Your business, your servers, your customers, your decision.

It is not completely unheard-of, but it certainly is very rare.

Personally, as a customer, I would never pay an ISP for in-addr, and would make a conscious effort to change ISPs if one made me pay for it. Strikes me as the type of nickel-and-dime mentality that will cause me much larger problems down the road.

I thought I saw some 'MUST' statements in an RFC about this in the past,
but I can't find anything at the moment. My guess is that you are not
obligated to really do anything for free. Market pressure may be the
deterrent in charging for each basic service request. You might argue
to provide the option of delegating the reverse zones for your customers
to self-manage without incurring any additional cost. This may not work
well in your specific environment however.


I thought I saw some 'MUST' statements in an RFC

[*] From RFC 1912, section 2.1.

"Every Internet-reachable host should have a name. The consequences of
this are becoming more and more obvious. Many services available on the
Internet will not talk to you if you aren't correctly registered in the

Make sure your PTR and A records match.
Failure to have matching PTR and A records can cause loss of Internet
services similar to not being registered in the DNS at all. Also, PTR
records must point back to a valid A record, not a alias defined by a

(the best I could find to validate what we do with rnds.m4)


Just a quick note: it's not a BCP yet, but it's also considered
/extremely/ friendly by mail admins and others, if you use a naming
convention for your rDNS that is easily placed into access.db and other
"right-anchored" string matching mechanisms. e.g., if you have a
dynamically assigned DSL range, and want to assign rDNS to it based on
the IP,

is a lot easier to block via rudimentary mechanisms than

which requires regular expression support due to the way sendmail deals
with periods in hostnames, etc. In the former example, I can just block
all mail from ''. In the latter, I need to check the rDNS
against a group of regular expressions for /every connection/ which is
extremely slow, if effective.

So, once you decide to provide rDNS across the board, and provide custom
(or "non-generic") rDNS for statically assigned addresses, please also make
sure that the naming convention you choose is consistent, friendly to
antispam systems, and indicative of the assignment type and/or technology
in use, to allow for more fine-tuned policy implementations.

Some good actors with sensible naming conventions: all their dynamic hosts are in static are in, dynamic in static are in, dynamic in or or

Many others use 'dsl' or 'adsl' or 'cable' etc. as a "subdomain", which
is helpful but often doesn't distinguish between static and dynamic at
all; others use geographic locations which don't indicate anything useful
from an antispam policy perspective.

FWIW, 40% or more of the inbound spam mail here comes from hosts with a
generic rDNS naming convention (even after DNSBLs and other obvious
forgery checks such as hosts using my domain(s)/IP(s) in HELO/EHLO). We
simply quarantine any mail from hosts without rDNS at all, and reject
all mail from non-whitelisted generic hosts.

As noted, reverse DNS is pretty universally considered a normal operating practice, "part of the service". There is no IETF BCP that tells you anything about your business obligations, as in "without cost". However, I think you are correct that it is an important service to your customers.

One consideration: you might very strongly consider a mechanism (such as dynamic DNS) that enables you to not only provide names corresponding to addresses assigned, but to limit your names to addresses that are in actual use. The way my ISP-of-sorts (Cisco) sets up my home office address space, I have a name for each address in the block whether it is used or not, and if someone were to spoof one of the unused addresses the fact would not be noticed. Dynamic DNS or something like it would

Any issues with dealing with the distinction between (for instance)
FOO.generic.BAR.(com|net|org) (where generic is the 3rd level) and (where it's a level further down)? Similarly, do you
just treat all of *.info or *.biz as a generic swamp? Any other TLD-related
issues you've identified in counting up that 40%?

we've recently gotten an influx of customer request for us to setup
reverse dns for the customer's mail servers

Do you not delegate reverse DNS to customers?

however, management has taken it upon themselves to charge our customers
for every reverse dns request they submit to us.

This sounds like a very business-unfriendly practice, and I think that
Patrick Gilmore is right on the money...

Well, for various reasons I maintain a database of some ~7K or so naming
conventions and run my matches against all of them (using a TLD-based
right-to-left sort, but still, I know it can be done more efficiently).
The practice stems from the days (5/03) when I'd only mapped some 1500 or
so conventions.

The access.db checks are done right-to-left, too, so ERROR:5.7.1:"550 go away, dynamic user"

Wouldn't catch anyway.

All of my matches are currently done on the whole rDNS hostname string,
not on a subset, though I'm moving towards a left-anchored subset as it
cuts my live pats down from ~7K to ~3200 or so. (e.g., refusing mail from
hosts with names like ^h[0-f]{8}\. instead of checking all of the pats
that start with h[0-f]{8}). I've got a list of the most common 100 or so
left-anchored pat subsets, and hope to put them into practice here soon.
So I may have more feedback then.

I don't simply treat info/biz as a swamp in practice, no - despite the
fact that they're obviously pretty well flooded and swarming :confused:

So, no TLD-related issues of the sort you seem interested in. ERROR:5.7.1:"550 go away, dynamic user"

Given the number of options available at our end, I can hardly blame
other sites for considering this a reasonable rule - I can't think of a
scenario we can't fix at our end, as long as the user bothers calling our
help desk and asks for help fixing it...

(On the other hand, anybody who's filtering certain address blocks because
they're our DHCP blocks deserves to be shot, for all the usual reasons and then

Wouldn't catch anyway.

Yeah, but that has 'dhcp' at something other than the 3rd level.. :wink:

I was more interested in whether a rule like '*.dhcp.*.{com|net|org|edu)'
(blindly looking at the 3rd level domain and/or the 4th level for the
two-letter TLDs) did any better/worse than having to maintain a list of 7K or
so - are there enough variant forms that it's worth enumerating, or is it just
that enumerating is easier than doing a wildcard?

> ERROR:5.7.1:"550 go away, dynamic user"

Given the number of options available at our end, I can hardly blame
other sites for considering this a reasonable rule - I can't think of a
scenario we can't fix at our end, as long as the user bothers calling our
help desk and asks for help fixing it...

Exactly. That's why rDNS has been so useful for us. We can either
whitelist exceptions (such as customers of ISPs who have sucky customer
service and technical support) or try to educate them. It's (generally)
easy to change, it requires static assignment in order to work properly,
as an indication of the purpose(s) to which a given IP is put, etc.

(On the other hand, anybody who's filtering certain address blocks
because they're our DHCP blocks deserves to be shot, for all the usual
reasons and then some..)

Sure, but I can certainly understand why, for example, someone might
block all of AOL's dynamic blocks port 25, at least. Or Charter's. Or
Cox's, or any of the other sources of massive and constant abuse.

> Wouldn't catch anyway.

Yeah, but that has 'dhcp' at something other than the 3rd level.. :wink:

Fair enough :slight_smile:

I was more interested in whether a rule like
'*.dhcp.*.{com|net|org|edu)' (blindly looking at the 3rd level domain
and/or the 4th level for the two-letter TLDs) did any better/worse
than having to maintain a list of 7K or so - are there enough variant
forms that it's worth enumerating, or is it just that enumerating is
easier than doing a wildcard?

Ah, I see what you're getting at. Well, I started maintaining my long
list of patterns because of the insane complexity of trying to construct
simple rules like the above. At one point, I had five or six of them,
but it got easier to just run the vetted "generic" hostnames through a
quick perl script to generate a regex for each, and then check them all.
Surprisingly, on a reasonably fast system with a moderate mail load it
runs through the entire set pretty quickly, and it doesn't take up as
much RAM as I'd expected it would. I could probably get better stats
if you're interested.

Quick example, though: of 6936 patterns currently in my list, if you
just run a cut on \\ (which catches either '.' or '-' as the next char,
for the most part) you get (matches of 20 or more):

count first left-hand pattern part
----- ----------------------------
1572 ^[0-9]+
  206 ^.+
  200 ^host[0-9]+
  179 ^host
  145 ^adsl
  140 ^ip
  121 ^ip[0-9]+
  121 ^.*[0-9]+
   89 ^dsl
   83 ^ppp[0-9]+
   74 ^pc[0-9]+
   64 ^ppp
   54 ^h[0-9]+
   52 ^dialup
   48 ^dhcp
   46 ^d[0-9]+
   45 ^dial
   43 ^dhcp[0-9]+
   42 ^dsl[0-9]+
   40 ^user[0-9]+
   40 ^[a-z]+[0-9]+
   40 ^[0-f]+
   37 ^.+[0-9]+
   36 ^p[0-9]+
   36 ^[a-z]+
   36 ^.*
   32 ^c[0-9]+
   32 ^adsl[0-9]+
   28 ^m[0-9]+
   28 ^cable
   25 ^dyn
   23 ^dial[0-9]+
   23 ^cable[0-9]+
   23 ^a[0-9]+
   22 ^user
   22 ^s[0-9]+
   22 ^[a-z][0-9]+
   21 ^mail[0-9]+
   20 ^u[0-9]+
   20 ^pc
   20 ^client

It's really not as simple as just blocking .*(dsl|cable|dialup).*; the
zombie botnets are sophisticated and they're /everywhere/. So you can't
just block the largest 25% most likely sources, as the spammers just
rotate through until they find another you aren't testing for.

Throw in minor variations within a given ISP, language differences
worldwide in naming conventions, and peculiarities in how sendmail's
regex support works ('.' isn't picked up by '.+') and you've got a need
for at least a few thousand patterns even if you strip off the domain
part and try to match on the host part alone.

Steven Champeon wrote: ERROR:5.7.1:"550 go away, dynamic user"

Given the number of options available at our end, I can hardly blame
other sites for considering this a reasonable rule - I can't think of a
scenario we can't fix at our end, as long as the user bothers calling our
help desk and asks for help fixing it...

Exactly. That's why rDNS has been so useful for us. We can either
whitelist exceptions (such as customers of ISPs who have sucky customer
service and technical support) or try to educate them. It's (generally)
easy to change, it requires static assignment in order to work properly,
as an indication of the purpose(s) to which a given IP is put, etc.

Instead of having 6936 regexp patterns to match and parse one gazillion
different reverse DNS encodings you could simply mark the reverse DNS
entries of IP addresses that are actually *supposed* to be mail servers.

Reverse zone file for IN PTR IN TXT "1"

About as simple as it gets. And much easier than figuring out for 99% of
all IP addresses that they are not supposed to send mail directly. Just
turn the tables and tag those that are mail servers. And it allows for a
nice and graceful transition too.

Nicely described here:

The problem with that is that for *Steven* to benefit from it, *I'd* have to
get the appropriate people here to stick in the appropriate stuff in the zones for 128.173/16 and 198.82/16. In other words, it suffers
from the same deployment problem as SPF records. (Actually, locally, it's
harder to deploy because SPF needs one TXT at the top of the zone, which is
mostly static and amenable to hand-editing - those __srv records on the other
hand are down in zones that are automagically written by software which then
needs to be modified to support splatting out the additional TXT record each

In other news, we discovered that when we published our SPF record, it managed
to push the DNS response over 512 bytes, as we already had several TXT records
and 5 NS/A records got returned as well - and we got bit by the usual places
that don't do TCP/53 or EDNS0. Anybody else hit that one accidentally? (We
ended up jettisoning several TXT's and got it down to 410, so no problem now).

Reverse zone file for IN PTR IN TXT "1"

The problem with that is that for *Steven* to benefit from it, *I'd* have to
get the appropriate people here to stick in the appropriate stuff in the zones for 128.173/16 and 198.82/16. In other words, it suffers
from the same deployment problem as SPF records. (Actually, locally, it's
harder to deploy because SPF needs one TXT at the top of the zone, which is
mostly static and amenable to hand-editing - those __srv records on the other
hand are down in zones that are automagically written by software which then
needs to be modified to support splatting out the additional TXT record each

You would put in a global wildcard that says no smtp sender here. Only
for those boxes being legitimate SMTP to outside senders you'd put in a
more specific record as shown above. You probably have to enter some dozen
to one hundred servers this way. Sure your reverse zone scripts need some
changes but it's only two or three lines.

Ideally you could tell your DNS server in the zone file this:

  _send._smtp._srv.*.* IN TXT "0"
  _send._smtp._srv.*.* IN TXT "0"

being overidden by more specific information on single IP addresses.

In other news, we discovered that when we published our SPF record, it managed
to push the DNS response over 512 bytes, as we already had several TXT records
and 5 NS/A records got returned as well - and we got bit by the usual places
that don't do TCP/53 or EDNS0. Anybody else hit that one accidentally? (We
ended up jettisoning several TXT's and got it down to 410, so no problem now).

SPF and MTAMARK solve two entirely different problem sets.

With SFP you designate that certain enumerated hosts are legitimate senders for
emails from your *domain*. It does not de-legitimize some other random host on
your network sending emails with a different domain (let's say "").

With MTAMARK you designate that certain IP's (hosts) are legitimate SMTP senders
within your *network*. Domain doesn't matter here. That way you specify that all
those 131'000 other IP's (hosts) on your network are *not* legitimate SMTP senders
no matter for which domain.

The nice thing with MTAMARK is that even if evil spammer uses SFP too for his
$0.99 throw-away domain and puts the IP of one of the zombies of your network
into his SFP record he will still get blocked because your MTAMARK record in
the reverse zone will say this IP is not a designated SMTP sender.

And since the ratio between non-SMTP senders and SMTP senders is very high you
simply throw in a catch-all deny and only make a handful of exceptions for the
real SMTP senders on your network.

MTAMARK gives huge rewards for comparitative little work.

The time you'd have to invest to solve the illegitimate SMTP sender problem for
your *entire* network is measured in hours: changing the script that autogenerates
the reverse zones and traking down all legitimate SMTP senders. But this you
already have done and you can simply use the IP addresses from your SFP records.

Like I said: as simple as it gets.

In article <> you write:

You would put in a global wildcard that says no smtp sender here. Only
for those boxes being legitimate SMTP to outside senders you'd put in a
more specific record as shown above. You probably have to enter some dozen
to one hundred servers this way. Sure your reverse zone scripts need some
changes but it's only two or three lines.

Ideally you could tell your DNS server in the zone file this:

_send._smtp._srv.*.* IN TXT "0"
_send._smtp._srv.*.* IN TXT "0"

being overidden by more specific information on single IP addresses.

  You obviouly do not know how wildcard work in the DNS or you
  would not have made this suggestion. Please read RFC 1034
  and work though Section 4.3.2. Algorithm with a QNAME of

The proposal did say that it does not involve changing DNS? It would be
nice to have a method to publish mail policy in a global fashion without
confronting the problems of wildcards or walking the directories.

*.tld TXT != mail policy thanks to exists +-~... & kitchen sink. : (


Mark Andrews wrote:

In article <> you write:

You would put in a global wildcard that says no smtp sender here. Only
for those boxes being legitimate SMTP to outside senders you'd put in a
more specific record as shown above. You probably have to enter some dozen
to one hundred servers this way. Sure your reverse zone scripts need some
changes but it's only two or three lines.

Ideally you could tell your DNS server in the zone file this:

_send._smtp._srv.*.* IN TXT "0"
_send._smtp._srv.*.* IN TXT "0"

being overidden by more specific information on single IP addresses.

  You obviouly do not know how wildcard work in the DNS or you
  would not have made this suggestion. Please read RFC 1034
  and work though Section 4.3.2. Algorithm with a QNAME of

The wildcards are in the DNS server zone file for interpretation by the
DNS server itself. It would not be published as such because that obviously
wouldn't work as you prove. But nothing is preventing BIND or whatever
from taking this wildcard record and answering every request with the
wildcard "_send._smtp._srv.*" RR if no more-specific exists. This should
be relatively straight forward to code. Wouldn't want to touch the code
base of BIND but for DJBDNS I could somewhat easily implement it.

* Andre Oppermann <> [2004-12-03 11:04]:

Mark Andrews wrote:
>In article <> you write:
>>You would put in a global wildcard that says no smtp sender here. Only
>>for those boxes being legitimate SMTP to outside senders you'd put in a
>>more specific record as shown above. You probably have to enter some
>>to one hundred servers this way. Sure your reverse zone scripts need some
>>changes but it's only two or three lines.
>>Ideally you could tell your DNS server in the zone file this:
>>_send._smtp._srv.*.* IN TXT "0"
>>_send._smtp._srv.*.* IN TXT "0"
>>being overidden by more specific information on single IP addresses.
> You obviouly do not know how wildcard work in the DNS or you
> would not have made this suggestion. Please read RFC 1034
> and work though Section 4.3.2. Algorithm with a QNAME of

The wildcards are in the DNS server zone file for interpretation by the
DNS server itself. It would not be published as such because that obviously
wouldn't work as you prove. But nothing is preventing BIND or whatever
from taking this wildcard record and answering every request with the
wildcard "_send._smtp._srv.*" RR if no more-specific exists. This should
be relatively straight forward to code. Wouldn't want to touch the code
base of BIND but for DJBDNS I could somewhat easily implement it.

no need to...

   Thus we propose expanding the reverse DNS tree with a subdomain with
   the well known name


   This subdomain MAY be inserted at any level in the DNS tree for IPv4
   IN-ADDR.ARPA reverse zones. For IPv6, to limit the number of DNS
   queries, _srv is only queried at the /128 (host), /64 (subnet) and /
   32 (site) level. That way it can either provide information for a
   specific IP address or for a whole network block. More specific
   information takes precedence over information found closer to the top
   of the tree.