IS-IS reference

I think the right plan of action should be: a) design numbering plan allowing
aggregation on per-location basis; b) design a dynamically-routed redundant
backbone and c) attach tree-like access networks to the backbobne.

The backbone should not take _any_ routing information from the leaf networks.
It would also help to keep strict access controls, and separate backbone routers
from leaf access routers, so only the authorized backbone engineers can change
things in those.

Leaf networks should do static routing, and no proxy ARP. This way any damage from
badly behaving hosts or apps is limited to the segment they're on.

And don't do multicasting.

May be we should start defensive networking classes? :slight_smile:


1. Use IBGP and redistribute connected/static and when you can, aggregate
   those statics/connecteds at each router.
2. Use IGP (IS-IS level-2 or OSPF area0) for the backbone links and
   IBGP, Any-RP loopbacks. Don't add instability to your
   IGP when you have IBGP that can take care of it much more efficiently.
   As long as IGP can reach/see each router's loopback, IBGP will
   work great for connecteds/statics (just make sure you don't announce
   these specifics to your peers).
3. Don't use static routing for backbone links.... i am not sure how that
   even came up. Remember this is a NSP of some sorts.
4. Do multicasting, just make sure you get clueful on it. Its not rocket
   science... and with PIM sparse/dense, its much easier than the DVMRP
   days. (and make sure you get on a good IOS release and stay off the
   buggy releases)


Vadim Antonov wrote:

1. Use IBGP and redistribute connected/static and when you can, aggregate
   those statics/connecteds at each router.
2. Use IGP (IS-IS level-2 or OSPF area0) for the backbone links and
   IBGP, Any-RP loopbacks. Don't add instability to your
   IGP when you have IBGP that can take care of it much more efficiently.
   As long as IGP can reach/see each router's loopback, IBGP will
   work great for connecteds/statics (just make sure you don't announce
   these specifics to your peers).
3. Don't use static routing for backbone links.... i am not sure how that
   even came up. Remember this is a NSP of some sorts.

vadim's english was not so bad it needed reinterpreting

4. Do multicasting, just make sure you get clueful on it. Its not rocket
   science... and with PIM sparse/dense, its much easier than the DVMRP
   days. (and make sure you get on a good IOS release and stay off the
   buggy releases)

that's anything since the lost stanford backup tapes? and msdp worked
almost as well on that release as it does now.


Randy Bush wrote:

> 1. Use IBGP and redistribute connected/static and when you can, aggregate
> those statics/connecteds at each router.
> 2. Use IGP (IS-IS level-2 or OSPF area0) for the backbone links and
> IBGP, Any-RP loopbacks. Don't add instability to your
> IGP when you have IBGP that can take care of it much more efficiently.
> As long as IGP can reach/see each router's loopback, IBGP will
> work great for connecteds/statics (just make sure you don't announce
> these specifics to your peers).
> 3. Don't use static routing for backbone links.... i am not sure how that
> even came up. Remember this is a NSP of some sorts.

vadim's english was not so bad it needed reinterpreting

not reinterpreting... just enhancing.:slight_smile:

> 4. Do multicasting, just make sure you get clueful on it. Its not rocket
> science... and with PIM sparse/dense, its much easier than the DVMRP
> days. (and make sure you get on a good IOS release and stay off the
> buggy releases)

that's anything since the lost stanford backup tapes? and msdp worked
almost as well on that release as it does now.

msdp/mbgp has its own definition of "good IOS release"... but it works.


in general, i agree. except for a quibble

The backbone should not take _any_ routing information from the leaf

there are cases where one has to:

  o multi-homed customers who need to speak bgp. yes, one could 'cheat'
    and not listen to their announcements and static route them. but it
    is easier to get the safety by buildin acls from the routing
    databases. (and don't start ranting on that one:-)

  o pops where one's local complexity is sufficiently high, or router
    management is delegated, so that ibgp or confederation are the most
    reasonable ways to partition into managable pieces (remember the
    business model which drives my life).


I wonder what are you talking about? How to buil ISP back-bone?
Open, read BGP topic, and do just as 99% of IS do - IGP f-r the
inter-router routing, IBGP for the customer's networks, 'network' +
'static -> Null' on the edges to generate your own aggregates...

The only problem is the absense of the good config tools for the routers
with the object library (through new commercial CISCO tools looks not too
bad, but are very expansive...).

And the second difference is how to use 'communities' to control bgp
advertisements - for example, add 'PEERING', 'CUSTOMER', 'BACK-UP'
communities and use them.

Very stable, widely used, well debugged schema.

The hellish things are:

1) 'aggregate' word - use static routing to 'null' everywhere you can

2) 'redistribution' from/to IGP - prevent it. Really, the any TO/FROM bgp
redistribution (except may be static/connected in some cases) is the bad

3) full IBGP mesh - use reflectors instead.

4) STATIC routing (except the customer's links).

But it's the things all ISP was passed through a lot years ago...

Ok, first - i wouldn't use to learn how to build
a backbone. Otherwise, if you buy a Juniper you'll have a
coronary. And conceptually, the Halabi book works for the
most part, but there are some differences in how most
backbones apply those concepts and how they are presented there.

Second - read responses below.

Alex P. Rudnev wrote:

I wonder what are you talking about? How to buil ISP back-bone?
Open, read BGP topic, and do just as 99% of IS do - IGP f-r the
inter-router routing, IBGP for the customer's networks, 'network' +
'static -> Null' on the edges to generate your own aggregates...

Ok... maybe I didn't specify in detail.. although Randy may ding me
again for being redundant. sorry randy.

1. if you are going to scale a large national backbone, limit as much
as you can in your IGP. the less fluctation in flooding protocols, the
better. and since most backbones run on a single area (on the main
IGP process) or level-2 only, then fluctuations cause headaches for
all participating routers. this is especially so when you have a
full layer-2 mesh or a full MPLS mesh.

2. if you read what i stated below.... it says, use IBGP for
statics and connecteds.... then aggregate when possible.
Sorry if this is too vague.. but i am referring to all other
connections/statics that are not backbone. my use of
the word aggregate did not mean use the aggregate command
in Cisco's bgp, it meant aggregate to a larger netblock (/30's -> /24)
and yes... you use the static->null route to inject it into the
table and then redistribute into BGP:

  router bgp xxx
  redist static route-map [tag communities and filter]
  redist connected route-map [tag communities and filter] *
    * connected is optional if you can get all
      your connecteds into larger aggregates. then
      they are injected statically.

3. hmm... 99% of the larger backbones do all intra-AS routing using
the IGP.... i think i saw this thread get beaten to death a few months
or a year ago. this is arguable.

The only problem is the absense of the good config tools for the routers
with the object library (through new commercial CISCO tools looks not too
bad, but are very expansive...).

even those aren't ready.

And the second difference is how to use 'communities' to control bgp
advertisements - for example, add 'PEERING', 'CUSTOMER', 'BACK-UP'
communities and use them.

thanks... I will remember that.

Very stable, widely used, well debugged schema.

The hellish things are:

1) 'aggregate' word - use static routing to 'null' everywhere you can

see above

2) 'redistribution' from/to IGP - prevent it. Really, the any TO/FROM bgp
redistribution (except may be static/connected in some cases) is the bad

even redistributing static/connected into IGP will increase the IGP's
workload by introducing additional routes, thereby, exhausting more cycles.
again... let IBGP handle that.

3) full IBGP mesh - use reflectors instead.

agree 100%

4) STATIC routing (except the customer's links).

agree 100%

First of all. I should apologize for this thread - seems it is one more
grinding of the well-known things. And I never opposed to you.

Second, it seems for me there is really a lack of the good books about
the INTERNET and it's routing. The book mentioned below (btw, the
author's name at the paper book is Bassam Halabi, and differ slightly
from the one at the CCO server) describe BGP brightly, but do not explain
HOW TO DESIGN SIMPLE single-homed customer's network; multi-homed
customer's network; non-transit ISP; transit ISP...

And then (It's more the request to those who write the books) there is a
lack of the books explaining _what for this protocol was designed_ and
_how to use it in the 90% cases_. Good example #1 - OSPF - all books
describe AREAS, STUB's, DEAD INTERVAL, etc etc - but the first idea of
OSPF was _to be very simple in the simple cases_. It causes the students
(I had a time to watch their attempts to do simple labs here) to write a
complex, 100 lines-at-the-size configs from the first minute they began
to type in something into the router, or write terrible _redistribute_,
_stub_ etc when this configs are not necessary at all. This resulted to
the myths about the _complexity_ or _unstability_ or _difficulty to
config_ etc etc...

BGP - the same problem. Halabi write the excellent book; but try to
configure the simple _multi-homed_ customer's network guided by this
tool? First of all, no one word about IGP backgrounding network; second,
no distinction between the _SIMPLE_ cases (when it's better to write

router bgp 1111
neig remote-as 1112
ip route Null0 254

and the complex cases when you should transit third-party BGP routes by
your multi-area backbones.

And it's amazing - we are talking (this days) about L2/L3 switching,
about MPLS, tagging etc etc - and we just have almost ready 2-level
network (IGP - IBGP), but withouth any attempting to use any packet
tagging. Think - edge router receive the packet, and find the appropriate
route in BGP table; this route reference to the BGP next hop (outgoing
edge router). Instead of the tagging this packet by this _NEXT HOP_
address (and marking it's CoQ and other attributes) it send it unchanged
to the next core router and the whole indentification repeats again...
and again... And then some folks cry _we can use ATM background instead
of IGP background_ and draw MPLS heap of comlexity...

Btw, if summ everything was saying here in nanog by this Sublect, we
could collect a good FAQ by this subject _how to build simple ISP
backbone_ -:).

Aleksei Roudnev, Network Operations Center, Relcom, Moscow
(+7 095) 194-19-95 (Network Operations Center Hot Line),(+7 095) 230-41-41, N 13729 (pager)
(+7 095) 196-72-12 (Support), (+7 095) 194-33-28 (Fax)

A full mpls mesh should not be a problem as instantiated LSP's are
probably not going to be in your igp. Running an IGP over an (opaque) LSP
adds a lot to your complexity without delivering any major benefits.

You can add hierarchy to your topology obviating a need for a full mesh at
the L2 level.

Hierarchy can solve almost any scaling issue. Hierarchy in BGP through
confederations/RR, hierarchy in your IGP and hierarchy in your physical
circuit layout.


Hello All, There seems to be a bit of congestion(?) at
  Mae West & SanJose . Could someone else verify ? Tia, JimL

Vijay Gill wrote:

> 1. if you are going to scale a large national backbone, limit as much
> as you can in your IGP. the less fluctation in flooding protocols, the
> better. and since most backbones run on a single area (on the main
> IGP process) or level-2 only, then fluctuations cause headaches for
> all participating routers. this is especially so when you have a
> full layer-2 mesh or a full MPLS mesh.

A full mpls mesh should not be a problem as instantiated LSP's are
probably not going to be in your igp. Running an IGP over an (opaque) LSP
adds a lot to your complexity without delivering any major benefits.

agreed.... i don't advocate running igp process on your tunnels. but
is-is does contribute to LS path selection during setup. but has nothing
to do with the IGP process itself. thanks for the clarity, vijay.

* Mr. James W. Laferriere ( [990915 22:15]:

  Hello All, There seems to be a bit of congestion(?) at
  Mae West & SanJose . Could someone else verify ? Tia, JimL
       > James W. Laferriere | System Techniques | Give me VMS |
       > Network Engineer | 25416 22nd So | Give me Linux |
       > | DesMoines WA 98198 | only on AXP |

Can ack this. starting about 8 hours ago, but no sign of higher bandwidth
