ipv6 @ sprint, somebody home?

<ipv6@sprint.net>: host kay.sprintlink.net[] said: 553 5.3.0
    <ipv6@sprint.net>... User Unknown (in reply to RCPT TO command)

It's must be 6/6/6 that it ain't working. I guess they are scared that
IPv6 might scare their fisherprice routers :wink:

Anybody a *working* contact so that they can also be nicely reminded of
the fact that the 6bone has come to an end and that they should nicely
ask their "paying customers" to stop announcing 6bone space?

And http://www.sprintv6.net/ doesn't contain any contact info before you
say "google" it. Then again the following url clearly shows their
'interrest' http://www.sprintv6.net/aspath/bgp-page-complete.html
Last change on the tree detected on Sun DEC 11 2005, h.22:50

Fisherprice, fisherprice....

</sarcastic mode>


those people at PAIX Palo Alto i think are still waiting
for the "nap lan" to number out of 3ffe space. It's the same as
the IPv4 lan (vlan6) you just set up the v6 ips there..

  I suspect in another few days all these routes will go
away and will start to be filtered more effectively.

  - jared


<ipv6@sprint.net>: host kay.sprintlink.net[] said: 553 5.3.0
    <ipv6@sprint.net>... User Unknown (in reply to RCPT TO command)

The correct email address is ipv6-support@sprint.net.

:-> "Jeroen" == Jeroen Massar <jeroen@unfix.org> writes:

    > <ipv6@sprint.net>: host kay.sprintlink.net[] said: 553 5.3.0
    > <ipv6@sprint.net>... User Unknown (in reply to RCPT TO command)

    > It's must be 6/6/6 that it ain't working. I guess they are scared that
    > IPv6 might scare their fisherprice routers :wink:

    > Anybody a *working* contact so that they can also be nicely reminded of
    > the fact that the 6bone has come to an end and that they should nicely
    > ask their "paying customers" to stop announcing 6bone space?
    > http://www.sixxs.net/tools/grh/lg/?=prefix&find=3ffe::/16

    > And http://www.sprintv6.net/ doesn't contain any contact info before you
    > say "google" it. Then again the following url clearly shows their
    > 'interrest' http://www.sprintv6.net/aspath/bgp-page-complete.html
    > Last change on the tree detected on Sun DEC 11 2005, h.22:50

    > Fisherprice, fisherprice....

I just got a mail from them with the new addresses to use. They may be
running a bit late, but they are doing it.


they should not be waiting for those numbers, they have had them
  for a couple of years now.
