IPv6 Space Management. Tracking, not Allocating

There's been lots of discussion on how we should allocate space to various
bits of the network. What I haven't yet seen is how people are tracking
these allocations. Is everyone using one of the two or three commercial
applications or some OSS solution or a few large(ish) text files? Anyone
have any recommendations or feedback?



Darn it, I thought IPv6 managed all that kind of stuff automatically ?

You mean I still have to do some work?


IPPlan does this fairly well for ipv4 space, and they have recently added ipv6.


There's been lots of discussion on how we should allocate space to various
bits of the network. What I haven't yet seen is how people are tracking
these allocations. Is everyone using one of the two or three commercial
applications or some OSS solution or a few large(ish) text files? Anyone
have any recommendations or feedback?



Just my $.02, your mileage may vary, batteries not included, etc....

Gregory Whynott
Network Operations

Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
MaRS Centre, South Tower
101 College Street, Suite 800
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G 0A3
Tel: 647-294-2813

Take a look at Netdot:



We are working on more and better v6 support for future releases, but it
can already be used to track v6 allocations.


I want to add couple of more questions to this discussion if it's ok with Chip.

Are you all trying to get PI address space or PA is workable too. How
are you planning to do multihoming with IPv6?


I guess let me be a bit more specific. I'm an ISP, I want to track
allocations to customers across pops across the globe.


Good to hear they've added ipv6 support. Here's the old IPTrack FAQ entry for IPv6 support. It seems to have been updated quite recently.

I had replied to Chip directly but will post it out here now as well.
If you go with IPplan then you want to get the latest from CVS/SVN as
there have been some patches applied that fix some bits with IPv6
free-space searching and also with utilization calculations. If you
just download the 6.00-BETA2 package then you would also want to grab
the patch I posted to the bug tracker. Enjoy, I do.

I've been playing with HaCi and quite like it


good for you Mike, for contributing. thanks.

We ended up writing our own package, which we may end up offering
commercially when it is polished enough.

One of the perks of having a web development branch.


It seems Ipplan V6 is a pretty widely used tool after reading the recent
discussions. I would encourage anyone using it to donate some money. The
project page has some paypal buttons. I am not affiliated with IPPLAN at
all but use it quite a bit. $5 is not too much to spare for such a valuable
