IPv6 network boundaries vs. IPv4

Is anyone out there setting up routing boundaries differently for
IPv4 and IPv6? I'm setting up a network where it seems to make
sense to route IPv4, while bridging IPv6 -- but I can be talked
out of it rather easily.

Years ago, I worked on a academic network where we had a mix
of IPX, DECnet, Appletalk, and IP(v4). Not all of the routers
actually routed each protocol -- DECnet wasn't routable, and I recall
some routers that routed IPX, while bridging IP...

This all made sense at the time -- there were IPX networks that needed
to be split, while IP didn't need to be. DECnet was... DECnet -- and
Appletalk was chatty, but useful.

I keep hearing the mantra in my head of: "I want my routers to route, and
my switches to switch." I agree wholeheartedly if there is only one
protocol -- but with the mix of IPv4 and IPv6, are there any folks
doing things differently? With a new protocol in the mix are the
lessons of the last 10 (or so) years not as clear-cut?

John Osmon wrote:

Is anyone out there setting up routing boundaries differently for
IPv4 and IPv6? I'm setting up a network where it seems to make
sense to route IPv4, while bridging IPv6 -- but I can be talked
out of it rather easily.

Years ago, I worked on a academic network where we had a mix
of IPX, DECnet, Appletalk, and IP(v4). Not all of the routers
actually routed each protocol -- DECnet wasn't routable, and I recall
some routers that routed IPX, while bridging IP...

This all made sense at the time -- there were IPX networks that needed
to be split, while IP didn't need to be. DECnet was... DECnet -- and Appletalk was chatty, but useful.

I keep hearing the mantra in my head of: "I want my routers to route, and my switches to switch." I agree wholeheartedly if there is only one protocol -- but with the mix of IPv4 and IPv6, are there any folks
doing things differently? With a new protocol in the mix are the
lessons of the last 10 (or so) years not as clear-cut?

Hi John,

I remember old DECNET, DDCMP, IPX and NetBios days.
I used to have a couple of 19.2 kilobaud async lines, 2 arcnets and
an ethernet (thinwire technology but on RG13U cables, almost yellow wire
and UHF connectors - PL-259 like CB-radio).

DDCMP could route, IPX could and NetBios was riding on either IPX or
DDCMP so it did not matter.

Later the DDCMP async was replaced with a lots of switches and repeaters.
Whe used to have a backbone (yellow cable) connecting two VAXes and a
repeater that was feeding some 8 thinwires. Half of the thinwires were
feeding DECNET Terminalservers and PCs the other half were IPX with
a single one Netware server and lots of PCs.

In its best times the network was seeing some 1000 hosts. Everything
was running 10 MBit ethernet. there were 9 segments and no routers.

I have seen you could put some 30 NetBios PCs into a single segment
or more than 200 DECNET hosts if they were connected via switches and
thinwire transceivers.

Today without thinwire or yellow cable and with switches that can do
1 Gbit between switches and 100 Mbit to devices you should be able to
keep some 1000 hosts within a single switched network.

NAT-routers seem to have a limit of some 250 hosts within a single network.

I dont know if those boxes really can do 250 or if their MAC address
tables break even earlier. I have seen those boxes missbehave when
a bad ethernet adapter randomly changed its MAC address.

There are quite some link local things in IPv6 so it makes a lot of
sense to keep them within a single network - beside that nasty /64
habit that suggests forget radvd and automatic addresses but have
an IPv4 address of the 192.168... variety and use 6to4 adressing
for your local network.

I was running my own network, 4 IPv4 networks and 3 IPv6 networks
without routers, only switches :slight_smile: the 6to4 trick helped me survive
but now I dont know if the IPv6 boxes were really seeing each other
other simply using 6to4 routes :slight_smile:

Kind regards
Peter and Karin

Just for the record about DECNet:

At the peak of population, I managed naming and addressing assignments for a DECNet network with just over 8000 nodes. Local routers were mostly Digital Equipment, some wide area used Cisco. After a major split in the network, the remaining 3500 or so Phase IV nodes coexisted happily with AppleTalk, IPX, and IP hosts on a Cisco backbone. My multiprotocol workstation was an Apple Macintosh IIci. Of course, by now the routing network is all IP based with several tens of thousands of routes in the default-free internal network.

When I switch, it is from Windows to Mac OS X

John Osmon wrote:

Years ago, I worked on a academic network where we had a mix
of IPX, DECnet, Appletalk, and IP(v4). Not all of the routers
actually routed each protocol – DECnet wasn’t routable, and I recall
some routers that routed IPX, while bridging IP…

I remember old DECNET, DDCMP, IPX and NetBios days. I used to have a couple of 19.2 kilobaud async lines, 2 arcnets and an ethernet (thinwire technology but on RG13U cables, almost yellow wire and UHF connectors - PL-259 like CB-radio).

DDCMP could route, IPX could and NetBios was riding on either IPX or
DDCMP so it did not matter.

In its best times the network was seeing some 1000 hosts. Everything
was running 10 MBit ethernet. there were 9 segments and no routers.

I have seen you could put some 30 NetBios PCs into a single segment
or more than 200 DECNET hosts if they were connected via switches and
thinwire transceivers.

Today without thinwire or yellow cable and with switches that can do
1 Gbit between switches and 100 Mbit to devices you should be able to
keep some 1000 hosts within a single switched network.

Why would you want to do that?

I've been tempted to do it the other way around, though. In a hosting environment, you can end up with a bunch of /24s dumped on a broadcast domain with a number of different customers but the addresses so intermingled that you can't give each customer their own VLAN. With IPv6, there is enough address space to give each customer a VLAN and and address block to go along with that, which is a lot cleaner.

We decided to map our IPv6 subnets one-to-one to our IPv4, so each of our
routed /22 to /27 subnets gets a /64 IPv6 prefix. This however was just
due to the fact that our topology permitted that - your mileage may vary.