IPv6 Linux Server Support

Hi there.

Has anyone compiled a list of pros/cons on various flavors of Linux specific
to IPv6? I realize that's a really broad question..

Specific example would be that we're primarily a CentOS shop - during some
testing today found out that connection tracking is broken in 5.6 version
(after all kinds of Google hits). I understand 6.0 (recently released)
fixes this issue. I have not seen this issue in Debian for example to date.

Any input would be appreciated - my question isn't regarding which version
folks like better, it's specifically what version works best in an IPv6
server related environment.



This has been my experience, too. In addition to this, there's no LVS
(ipvsadm) support in 5.x for IPv6. You have to move to 6.x for this,

Whilst we could argue over which distribution is better for whatever
reason, you use what you have to use usually for much higher-level
problems, so tracking the pros and cons relative to those requirements
is typically the bigger task.

But it's no big deal; CentOS 6 is here (they say 6.1 is happening soon)
and SL6 has been been around some time. If all else fails, you could
stump-up for a RHEL license.

Personally I'm already installing 6.x hosts and shall continue to do so
where support for software exists (i.e. Plesk has no official support
for CentOS 6.x or Scientific Linux in any form as yet.)


I've tested two Linux distributions in an IPv6 environment, Ubuntu
10.04 Server and CentOS 6. Granted I've only been testing services for
a few months now but I've found that both can deliver adequate service
delivery via IPv6. I did run into the connection tracking issue with
CentOS 5 and you are correct, it is fixed in 6 (its also integrated
into the ufw program so setting-up host-based rulesets are very easy
in an IPv6 world).

In my case, its mainly testing both platforms but I haven't discovered
any significant issues with either, and this is running basic services
(DNS, HTTP, SMTP, a few little python JSON servers) over a 6in4 tunnel
on each platform.
