ipv6 and geolocation

Everyone loves IPv6, and it's a fantastic technology. However, I've been
pondering a few quirks of v6, including the low priority of PTR, but I have
a question I want to throw out there:

Do you think IPv6 geolocatoin (GeoIP) will ever be viable?

If so, when do you think this will happen? If not, what's the superseding
solution? (The W3C location technology fails miserably for me 100% of the
time even on IPv4).

Two of the "big four" GeoIP providers don't even catalog IPv6, and the
other two's IPv6 database is unremarkable and usually only has the country.
(Or, in my case, a block that's clearly in the United States is deemed as
simply "(somewhere in) Asia".)

What I'm getting at is: IPv6 geolocation is presently rather hopeless and

Eager to hear thoughts from my fellow network thinkers!

- Blair

Everyone loves IPv6, and it's a fantastic technology. However, I've been
pondering a few quirks of v6, including the low priority of PTR,

Not sure what that means, but...

but I have a question I want to throw out there:

Do you think IPv6 geolocatoin (GeoIP) will ever be viable?

To me it seems like an easier problem to solve than IPv4. There's no historical assignment swamp. Subnets are of fixed size. Many/most organisations who receive a direct assignment will never need a second.

If so, when do you think this will happen?

As soon as enough people using geo-located services start doing so over v6.


it seems like solving your first complaint is the same work as solving your second: 1h IN PTR host.example.com. 1h IN LOC 40 45 33 N 73 59 07 W 100m

Everyone loves IPv6, and it's a fantastic technology. However, I've been
pondering a few quirks of v6, including the low priority of PTR, but I have
a question I want to throw out there:

Do you think IPv6 geolocatoin (GeoIP) will ever be viable?

Yes, in the same way as it happens for IPv4: customer types their
address into the database for a geo-provider when they type it in to get
stuff shipped out to them...

Most consumer/hard-line ISPs typically have their users in the same
country/region as they operate, hence geo-location up to city level will
be 'easy'.

For VPN providers or more specifically IPv6-tunnel providers that is not
the case, the user might be in a completely different country than the
PoP is, or where the address space for that PoP comes from.

As such, for SixXS we are using the "Self-published IP Geolocation Data"
specification as defined in this draft by Google folks:

This resolves this problem for us. More details about this and where to
find the feed etc can be found at:
  FAQ : Misc. : What about geolocation? How does a content provider where my endpoint is? :: SixXS - IPv6 Deployment & Tunnel Broker

As mentioned there, as a content-provider, please use that data, and if
you want do also please send a notification so that we can either list
you on the above page and/or at least notify you in case things change.

Note that most VPN providers actually are more 'geo-location changers'
and thus likely will not want to do this, or will want to "lie" in their
data, for them I don't think that providers will be accepting their feeds.

What I'm getting at is: IPv6 geolocation is presently rather hopeless and

One very simple approach is to take RIR data, you then end up with a
reasonably accurate location, unless, like in the above detail the
traffic actually is tunneled from somewhere else.

If wanted I can make a geo-feed available containing the data from GRH,
as that has all these little details already anyway. If somebody finds
it useful, give a yell, and I'll kick the system to produce one
(separately from the SixXS specific prefixes of course, thus under a
different URL).


I meant that PTR isn't a priority for ISPs. A la Comcast's rollout of IPv6
lacks PTR, as does Google in general for v4 and v6 (even though they have
it internally).

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