IPv6 and Android auto conf

Hello everyone

I recently got IPv6 working at home LAN. My Android device (Google Nexus 5)
is connected via wifi to LAN and LAN's core router is Map2N
<http://routerboard.com/RBmAP2n>. I have a /64 on the LAN with "advertise"
enabled to make ND to work and have autoconfig working on all devices.
There are bunch of other layer 2 devices in LAN but all just acting as
layer 2 transparently and core L3 remains on Map2N.

All works well for most part but only trouble I am getting is on Nexus 5
where after around 24hrs IPv6 stops working. Only unusual thing I notice at
that time is that phone 4 IPv6 as opposed to 2 (autoconf and temporary
randomised address). Seems like some kind of issue in way NDP works either
on Microtik or phone. The fix I am doing from few days is to restart wifi
and phone interface gets fresh (two) IPv6 addresses and all works well

Anyone facing similar issue? (Note: No issues on OS X or iOS which are in
same LAN)

I can try DHCPv6 but I guess most of devices do not support it yet. (I see
support for that in routerboard though).


Hello everyone

I recently got IPv6 working at home LAN. My Android device (Google Nexus 5)
is connected via wifi to LAN and LAN's core router is Map2N
<http://routerboard.com/RBmAP2n&gt;\. I have a /64 on the LAN with "advertise"
enabled to make ND to work and have autoconfig working on all devices.
There are bunch of other layer 2 devices in LAN but all just acting as
layer 2 transparently and core L3 remains on Map2N.

All works well for most part but only trouble I am getting is on Nexus 5
where after around 24hrs IPv6 stops working.

How, specifically, does it "stop working" on the Nexus 5?
- temp addresses expired and does not generate new, valid, slaac addresses?
- RA entry ages out and doesn't get refreshed?
- cannot reach v6 gateway (ND fails somehow)?

Only unusual thing I notice at that time is that phone 4 IPv6 as opposed to 2 (autoconf and temporary randomised address). Seems like some kind of issue in way NDP works either on Microtik or phone. The fix I am doing from few days is to restart wifi and phone interface gets fresh (two) IPv6 addresses and all works well

Anyone facing similar issue? (Note: No issues on OS X or iOS which are in
same LAN)

I can try DHCPv6 but I guess most of devices do not support it yet. (I see
support for that in routerboard though).

Unless something's changed, DHCPv6 IA_NA isn't an option for getting an IPv6 address assigned to an Android device[1][2]

Hi Hugo

(My reply in line)

Hello everyone

I recently got IPv6 working at home LAN. My Android device (Google Nexus
is connected via wifi to LAN and LAN's core router is Map2N
<http://routerboard.com/RBmAP2n&gt;\. I have a /64 on the LAN with
enabled to make ND to work and have autoconfig working on all devices.
There are bunch of other layer 2 devices in LAN but all just acting as
layer 2 transparently and core L3 remains on Map2N.

All works well for most part but only trouble I am getting is on Nexus 5
where after around 24hrs IPv6 stops working.

How, specifically, does it "stop working" on the Nexus 5?
- temp addresses expired and does not generate new, valid, slaac addresses?
- RA entry ages out and doesn't get refreshed?
- cannot reach v6 gateway (ND fails somehow)?

The last one - everything appears normal (with 4 IPv6 addresses on the
device) but I cannot point any neighbor in same VLAN. Nor I can ping from

That sounds either like NDP is busted on the phone or the AP is eating the Android device's ND traffic.

When this happens, does the Android device show up in the ND cache of the other devices on the network that you are trying to reach/ping?

Does it show up in the ND cache of the segment's router?

If the Android device isn't showing up in other hosts ND caches when you try to ping them, can you do a pcap on one of those hosts when you try to initiate pings from the Android device to confirm if NS packets are being received?

Have you tried doing captures on the Android device directly [1][2][3] to see if it still receives RAs when this happens?

The symptoms seem to possibly line up with Android issue #32662[4]. Possible you're being hit by that?

Hello all

Thankyou for your responses. A quick update on this:

It must have been an Android bug. I got Android updated to 6.0
(Marshmallow) on Nexus 5 few days back and right after update IPv6 issue
has been completely resolved. Device stays with usual two IPv6 addresses
all the time and works fine.


On the nexus 5, if you are running android 6, you should enable older style dhcp. It can be found in the dev section.


Sure, would be fun to try DHCPv6. Last time when I checked only OS X was
supporting it with limited sense.


Sure, would be fun to try DHCPv6. Last time when I checked only OS X was
supporting it with limited sense.




Applies to CentOS 7, which does not have a front-end licensing load.

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