IPv6 addressing schemes

do you have suggestions, recommendations, "don't do that"s
about how to subnet and assign IPv6 address space to a backbone
network out of the /32 that we got allocated ?
Since we are starting from scratch, I'm especially interested in
hearing about things absolutely to avoid.
I was thinking of giving a /48 for each pop (plus a couple of /48 for
our offices), maybe with some hierarchical structure so that all POPs
in the same continent are also in the same /something.
Pointers to the right words to put in "justfuckinggoogleit" to return
something useful are welcome too :wink:



do you have suggestions, recommendations, "don't do that"s
about how to subnet and assign IPv6 address space to a backbone
network out of the /32 that we got allocated ?
Since we are starting from scratch, I'm especially interested in
hearing about things absolutely to avoid.
I was thinking of giving a /48 for each pop (plus a couple of /48 for
our offices), maybe with some hierarchical structure so that all POPs
in the same continent are also in the same /something.

Didn't you have to give any documentation about your network at all to
the RIR from which you received this allocation?

I would expect them to at least as where you have your customers and how
much space you would be giving you. As the design of your network really
completely depends on where you have your network and where you have
your clients and also, don't forget maybe not important for you but it
will be for your followers if you expect your organization to be around
for a while, where they will be in the coming 50 years and longer...

In general you will be giving a /48 per client, if you are not you are
either lying to the RIR's or you are dead sure they only have one link
you could give them a /64. Thus estimate how many clients you will have
at a certain location in the coming X years, times /48, round it up
quite some bit to a nice multiple of 2 so that it nicely fits and tada.

Pointers to the right words to put in "justfuckinggoogleit" to return
something useful are welcome too :wink:

"school network administration planning" ?


something useful are welcome too :wink:

This site has pointers to lots of resources. In particular, under
"Presentations" in the left menu you can access some past conferences and
download various conference presentations to use as tutorial material for
yourself and your colleagues. In particular, I remember that the Madrid
conference had some well prepared presentations a couple of years back.

It would be interesting to see your conclusions on this list when you have
decided how to organize your address space. Lots of us will be going
through the same process in the near future.

--Michael Dillon