IPv6 addressing plan spreadsheet issue

Hi all,

I made a list of the IPv6 addresses in my home LAN, but have trouble
copy+pasting the list into a cloud spreadsheet. My address list is here:

How do other folks do this? Just administrate things in text files?

Kind regards,


Hi Job,

I quickly went through your whole list and looking at the totally random addresses I think it is best if you render a multi-page TIFF file from each address and put them into a binary field of an MS Access database. That might sound unusual but you could easily access them from Excel and make notes for each address.

Thank me later!


Hi all,

I made a list of the IPv6 addresses in my home LAN, but have trouble
copy+pasting the list into a cloud spreadsheet. My address list is here:
Index of /~job/

How do other folks do this? Just administrate things in text files?

Kind regards,


Length: unspecified [text/plain]
Saving to: '/dev/null'

Thanks for the speed test file! :slight_smile:

ps: phpIPAM is pretty good.

Job Snijders <job@instituut.net> writes:


I made a list of the IPv6 addresses in my home LAN, but have trouble
copy+pasting the list into a cloud spreadsheet. My address list is here:
Index of /~job/

How do other folks do this? Just administrate things in text files?

If the standard IPAM tool (aka. Excel) can't handle your address plan
maybe it's not the fault of the spreadsheet but the fault of the

After almost 3.500 days using IPv6 I decided to turn it of! Nobody uses
it and nobody needs it! I'll to the same with DNSSEC!


Hi all, I made a list of the IPv6 addresses in my home LAN, but
have trouble copy+pasting the list into a cloud spreadsheet. My
address list is here: Index of /~job/

How do other folks do this? Just administrate things in text files?

I just put all my v6 addrs into an emoji-based DNS zone file. Then I
altered all system files, including ifconfig, iptables, etc. to use DNS
instead of raw IP addrs.

I'm in the midst of uploading it all into route 53. I'm sure it will be
finished soon.

Problem solved.

Each file can only contain a single IP address in order to upload to the cloud spreadsheet. You'll need to split each entry into it's own file and then it should work. Good luck!

We use PHPIPAM for our clients

If given the choice Netflix traffic prefers IPV6. That is the “killer app” for me.

Justin Wilson


Well played.

How did you actually create the .txt file? Is the filesize spoofed in some way?
8191PB is a lot of storage.

Filip Hruska wrote:

How did you actually create the .txt file? Is the filesize spoofed in
some way?
8191PB is a lot of storage.

Probably a giant RAID in the attic. Disk space is very cheap these days.

Anyway, txt files are old hat for ip address management. Job should be
using Excel like all the professional shops, although I do admit that it
runs a bit slow on my home laptop after 3.2*10^38 entries. This is a
real drag if you have a lot of hosts located at the top end of your ipv6
address range.



How did you actually create the .txt file? Is the filesize spoofed in some way?
8191PB is a lot of storage.

Probably just handcrafted index.html with fake file size and CGI script that outputs the actual prefixes on-demand?


I actually got that value from curl (on Mac) so who knows.

It's certainly possible that it's generated on-the-fly and curl just shows garbage info.
