IPv4 Address transfer after company acquisition

I have a customer who previously didn't have any IPv4 address space. They
recently acquired a competitor that has a /24.

Are there any special ARIN rules for this type of transfer?

Any pointers, or 'gotchas'?


I have a customer who previously didn't have any IPv4 address space. They
recently acquired a competitor that has a /24.

Are there any special ARIN rules for this type of transfer?

Any pointers, or 'gotchas'?

I'm pretty sure ARIN has the transfer process documented on their website.

From what I remember, ARIN will need to see some documentation of the

acquisition, including a letter of agency/authorization from the company that was acquired, on the original company's letterhead.


Without interpretation:

Look on the ARIN Website..

Policies->Number Resource Policy Manual

You want to read Section 8, specifically section 8.2


We just had to do something similar for space that we had acquired in an
earlier incarnation of our company which was merged/renamed and it was a
straightforward process. We just had to provide some documentation. I found
the ARIN folk easy to work with on this.