IPAM recommendations

Looking for IPAM recommendations, preferably open source, API is a plus (almost must, almost…). 40-50K IPs to be managed.

thanks in advance.

Looking for IPAM recommendations, preferably open source, API is a plus
(almost must, almost..). 40-50K IPs to be managed.


infoblox if you are an enterprise needing AD herding and got too much cash.

What have you evaluated so far? Can you share your evaluation grid, how you selected the candidates, how you are weighting criteria and specific interesting findings so far?



Not much beyond this, https://appuals.com/the-5-best-ip-address-management-ipam-software/

Check phpipam


I forgot to mention Netbox https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox

integration (of some kind ) with LibreNMS is plus

I highly recommend Netbox. We use it for our Source of Truth.

i don’t think that this is a reasonable use of nanog. if you have research to present and then a question to ask, that’s totally great. this is especially true if you can add evaluative criteria and information before asking questions from people who have relevant experience.

you read a single web page and are asking nanog to do your homework for you. that’s unkind and is taking advantage of the attention and goodwill of the community here. this is becoming a pattern. please either do some research yourself and start a conversation substantively, or look to paid consultants to evaluate your software/hardware/datacenter space/networking gear etc.




I don’t think this is a reasonable understanding of Nanog. Nanog members ask each other for operational tool recommendations all the time, and since these products are right up the alley of Nanog’s mission — network operations — it’s a perfectly reasonable use of Nanog.

But you read a single comment without researching any Nanog history, which would immediately show you how frequently Nanog serves in just this kind of valuable role, THAT’S unkind.


Lets focus on the technology. Netbox is solid. I am leaning towards this since its open source and there is some librenms integration.

I was using another product till few days ago (i won’t mention name) i am not happy and decided to go with something open source


* mel@beckman.org (Mel Beckman) [Thu 05 Sep 2019, 14:17 CEST]:

I don’t think this is a reasonable understanding of Nanog. Nanog members ask each other for operational tool recommendations all the time, and since these products are right up the alley of Nanog’s mission — network operations — it’s a perfectly reasonable use of Nanog.

Did you read Todd's email at all? He asked the poster to do more homework before bothering the mailing list membership, an entirely reasonable request, especially given their recent posting history of similarly worded questions with lack of background supplied.

But you read a single comment without researching any Nanog history,

This is laughably wrong. Todd is a long-time NANOG attendee and has even served on its Program Committee. (Pot, kettle, black.)

  -- Niels.

that’s unkind and is taking advantage of the attention and goodwill of the community here. this is becoming a pattern.

+1 on this noisy pattern. Hire an consultant to google these things for you.

Please check the mailing list archives as a resource. I made a short list last time https://lathama.net/DCIM which looks to be June 20th 2018


Can you mention why you're unhappy with the product? Price, a critical
feature that was lacking, something else?

Software in a segment never improves unless the vendors/developers know
that doing XYZ well/poorly is a market differentiator....


Thanks for confirming. This is exactly what I think.

I wish Digital Ocean would put as much effort into policing their network; at least two thirds of the malicious traffic hitting our customers comes from an even split between them and OVH.

I’ve both been exposed to newer and better tools - and been annoyed at the noise - in NANOG for almost 2 decades now.

So far phpipam has suited our needs. However it takes quite a few clicks to get things done, and anytime you can remove friction you have an opportunity for a better product.
