IP utillization software


I am looking for IP address utilization software for the following purpose:
I work for a very large company with lots of facilities and offices. Our
group needs to reclaim the space that was previously allocated before the
days of VLSM.

For example:
facility allocated 172.28.32/19 . I want to be able to find out how much
that facility is utilizing.



try nmap, http://www.insecure.org/nmap/

I am looking for IP address utilization software for the following purpose:
I work for a very large company with lots of facilities and offices. Our
group needs to reclaim the space that was previously allocated before the
days of VLSM.

For example:
facility allocated 172.28.32/19 . I want to be able to find out how much
that facility is utilizing.

either examination of reverse name service files or the use of nmap
(nmap -sP would probably be my first guess.