IP database ideas

Hello all,

I just discovered Postgres (after having used MySQL for some time), and it
has some IP datatypes. I'm looking to stuff all of our IP allocations
into a db for easier allocation/tracking, and I'm just thrilled to see
that I can store IPs/networks natively.

Before I get too far into this, are there any pre-existing packages out
there to help manage IP allocation? Does anyone have anything homegrown,
and would you be willing to share some pieces, even just a schema, or
advice? I don't want to dive in and find that I've laid everything out
poorly and painted myself into a corner...



When they get it done:



* Charles Sprickman <spork@inch.com> [011107 16:05]:

Hello all,

I just discovered Postgres (after having used MySQL for some time), and it
has some IP datatypes. I'm looking to stuff all of our IP allocations
into a db for easier allocation/tracking, and I'm just thrilled to see
that I can store IPs/networks natively.

Before I get too far into this, are there any pre-existing packages out
there to help manage IP allocation? Does anyone have anything homegrown,
and would you be willing to share some pieces, even just a schema, or
advice? I don't want to dive in and find that I've laid everything out
poorly and painted myself into a corner...

Go look in the archives around May-july for posts from me.

I've done exactly this, and shared SOME of my stuff.

I can't release any more, but it's in the archives.

FreeIPdb is done, but we're awaiting the last pieces of corporate
paperwork to release the source code.


Also, what feeds this:

-- Name: attack_db Type: TABLE Owner: neteng
-- CREATE TABLE "attack_db" (
"attack_type" integer,
"start_time" timestamp with time zone,
"end_time" timestamp with time zone,
"src_router" inet,
"input_int" integer,
"output_int" integer,
"src_as" integer,
"src_ip" inet,
"src_port" integer,
"dst_as" integer,
"dst_ip" inet,
"dst_port" integer,
"protocol" integer,
"tos" integer,
"pr_flags" integer,
"pkts" bigint,
"bytes" bigint,
"next_hop" inet

This one really piqued my interest...


Sorry folks, that was for Larry, thought I was in my inbox...

My attack detector, based on CAIDA's CflowD.
* Charles Sprickman <spork@inch.com> [011107 19:25]: