IP Address Management Tool

I am looking for a better way to manage IP addresses. I am currently using
an excel spreadsheet, but this is becoming cumbersome as more and more
addresses are being added. Does anyone have any recommendations?



I am looking for a better way to manage IP addresses. I am currently using
an excel spreadsheet, but this is becoming cumbersome as more and more
addresses are being added. Does anyone have any recommendations?

We've found RackTables[1] to meet our needs in IP address management.
It also includes some asset management and rack organizing as well (we
do, however, have it deployed in one case primarily for the IP address

[1] http://racktables.org/



Under active development at the moment. We've just implemented it and
are quite happy with it.

Cheers, Bjørn

There are two that come to mind

IP Plan http://iptrack.sourceforge.net/On Jun 1, 2010, at 8:07 AM, D C wrote:

and Racktables for IP and rack DC location tracking as well. http://racktables.org/


I am looking for a better way to manage IP addresses. I am currently using

D C <casselld1@gmail.com> writes:

I am looking for a better way to manage IP addresses. I am currently using
an excel spreadsheet, but this is becoming cumbersome as more and more
addresses are being added. Does anyone have any recommendations?

Somebody recommended HaCi - IP Address Administration download | SourceForge.net recently,
haven't time to try it.


One of our engineers has started playing with dcTrack from Raritan; he quite
likes it so far. It primarily manages information about data centers, like
power draw, physical layout, and cable connections. It also provides a
change management system tied to power / cabling requirements. In addition
to all of that, it will also manage IP addresses. :slight_smile:

It is neither open source nor freely available software.

It may be (okay, it's likely to be) overkill for your environment. Then
again, if a spreadsheet isn't cutting the mustard, you may have other needs
along with IP address management.

Hope this helps,

-Brian Knight
Sr. Network Engineer
Mizuho Securities USA Inc

* Please note that I do not speak for my employer - only for myself.

** No one I know works for, owns or endorses the company mentioned above.

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From: D C [mailto:casselld1@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 8:08 AM
To: nanog@nanog.org
Subject: IP Address Management Tool

I am looking for a better way to manage IP addresses. I am
currently using an excel spreadsheet, but this is becoming
cumbersome as more and more addresses are being added. Does
anyone have any recommendations?


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I used to use IPplan, but the author was dead set against IPv6 support:

"One feature request that comes up from time to time is IPv6. Adding
IPv6 support will require major effort but has such a limited audience.
Ironically the only people that ever requested IPv6 support are either
from Telcos, ISP's or government departments, yet they are never
interested in contributing resources! I deam them parasites of the Open
Source world - leaching off the good will and effort of the Open Source
community, yet give nothing in return."

This has since been removed from the site, but it gave me a good idea
about how the author felt about IPv6 so I stopped using it. I ended up
moving to HaCi and it's suited my needs.


He has since reversed that stance and they are working on IPV6 support,
at least that is what I read somewhere. I don¹t blame the guy really. If
people want a feature they should pony up a little money. Otherwise it is
free software with no implied support.

I feel that IPv6 should be a minimum requirement. At the time the author
felt it should be an advanced paid-for feature. I treat commercial
vendors the same way: no IPv6, no sale. That nastygram made me not want
to donate (money or code) to IPplan. One shouldn't get into open source
expecting money.

The world moves forward and what is seen as a minimum requirement is
eventually going to move with it.


D C wrote:

I am looking for a better way to manage IP addresses. I am currently using
an excel spreadsheet, but this is becoming cumbersome as more and more
addresses are being added. Does anyone have any recommendations?

Please check out our Network Documentation Tool:


Please check out our Network Documentation Tool:


Is there any not-thumbnails screenshots available?

Seth Mattinen wrote:


its free and there are a host of other tools there too, under products some are
free others not.



Any one working with Alcatel Lucent equipment 7750 SR-12/7/1.

Any issues with it?

Specifically in ATM.



Work with the product. No issues so far, very solid.

We are putting it through the paces preparing for our migration from ATM to
MPLS. We're using the 7750 SRc12 (former 7710) and 7705 SAR8 and building
A-Pipes to interconnect with existing 7470s. Works well, stable, no issues
thus far.

Drop me a line off list if you would like to discuss further.

Cory Struth

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I am looking for a management tool which can support BGP Communities/MPLS Tags.

And also support conflicting address space uniqued by MPLS RD/RT tags. (For layer3 VPNs).

Any ideas?


Any one working with Tellabs equipment 8660.

Any issues with it?

Specifically in ATM and TDM PWE3 services.

