iOS 7 update traffic

So iOS 7 just came out, here's the spike in our graphs going to our ISP
here at McGill, anyone else noticing a big spike?

[image: internet-sw1 - Traffic - Te0/7 - To Internet1-srp (IR Canet) -

Zachary McGibbon

Hmm.. seems my image was stripped. I'm trying imgur for the first time so
here's our graph:

We also noticed an interesting spike (+ ~40%), mostly in akamai.
The same happened on previous iOS too.

Various EU IXPs are showing spikes of various sizes at the moment


Akamai (who I believe Apple use for at least some of their CDN delivery) are also showing a nice hotspot in Europe at the moment: (screenshot for posterity:

Edward Dore
Freethought Internet

We are seeing Akamai traffic up about 100-300% since noon CDT. Seeing
similar increased from our participants - colleges and universities mainly.



Our local Akamai cluster has pegged it's 1G uplink a few times, and we
are hitting our 1G Equinix IX link pretty hard as well.

We are seeing Akamai traffic up about 100-300% since noon CDT. Seeing
similar increased from our participants - colleges and universities mainly.

Ours is not so much Akamai as Limelight. Spiked to about 7 times normal.


We also noticed an interesting spike (+ ~40%), mostly in akamai.
The same happened on previous iOS too.

I see it here, too. At its peak, our traffic levels were roughly double what we would see on a normal weekday.


Large US MSO.

Our overall traffic is up about 20% compared to this time yesterday, which
equates to ~120Gbps. Mostly Akamai.


Do you guys not have a local akamai node?? Seems like maybe @gilmore could
help you out, that's a pretty intense surge for software updates. Our
stuff gets hit, but nothing like this (our networks usually don't exceed
40mbps over satellite).

The MSO I used to work at had a fairly large akamai cache in Anchorage,
AK. May be worth looking into if you guys haven't already.

Traffic was +1Gbps more than usual during that time on 9/18