IOS 12.3(x) Strange service ports open on router

Wonderful -- a change to default behavior that opens up lots of ports.
This is exactly the wrong direction to go in.

    --Steve Bellovin,

No kidding.

Another pet peeve of roughly the same category: when you enable IPv6,
telnet is automatically open to the world (using v6), even if you have
disabled v4 telnet with an access-list.

The vendor refused to believe this is a problem, so I'm waiting for v6
deployment to get really started before writing bugtraq.

Whether or not this is a problem is in the eye of the beholder, but from what I've seen, this is standard practice with any kind of packet filter. As far as I know, only hosts.allow-style tcp wrapping is agnostic about the IP version.

If you want to run a new protocol, you have to configure filters for it unless you want to go through life unfiltered. That's the way things work.

It's even worse with FreeBSD: if you firewall it to the teeth in v4 and disable v6 in the rc.conf, it will still run v6 with link-local addresses and allow access to the services that are filtered in v4.

So, with a cisco style vty acl how does one do both v4 and v6 filterage?
(not speaking as a v6 user)

* (Christopher L. Morrow) [Fri 09 Apr 2004, 23:53 CEST]:

So, with a cisco style vty acl how does one do both v4 and v6 filterage?
(not speaking as a v6 user)

line vty 0 4
access-class 1 in
ipv6 access-class v6telnet in

  -- Niels.

so what was the original complaint about ipv6 and telnet then?

Bad FreeBSD, no cookie for FreeBSD :slight_smile: But if you don't need IPv6,
   remove INET6 from your kernel config file, rc.conf is not the right
   place to do it either.

      - yann

Don't forget:

ipv6 access-list v6telnet
  permit ipv6 3FFE:2500:310::/48 any
  permit ipv6 2001:888:1DDE::/48 any

* (Christopher L. Morrow) [Sat 10 Apr 2004, 00:15 CEST]:

* (Iljitsch van Beijnum) [Sat 10 Apr 2004, 00:22 CEST]: