InterNIC whois not answering?

Is anyone else out there having trouble doing a whois to I've tried from 3 diff networks and can't get an
answer. This has been going on for at least 2 hours. Most frustrating.


Joseph McDonald wrote:

Is anyone else out there having trouble doing a whois to I've tried from 3 diff networks and can't get an
answer. This has been going on for at least 2 hours. Most frustrating.


Everyone !!

Having the same problems myself. Traceroute to works
fine, but I get nothing back from it at all.

Joe Shaw -
NetAdmin - Insync Internet Services


Then wait...takes a while, but faster then the whois command

I finally got a response! Try again now, and give it a few minutes.

Alex P

It is working now (although slowly). Thanks for all the replies. I
also got a private note that said:

It looks like the Internic was having trouble with its upstreams. I was
having apparent trouble with MCI and UUNET earlier this morning, but didn't
have a lot of time at the time to troubleshoot where exactly the problem was.