Internic registries

I was doing some maintanace on some of my domains a few days back and
decided to update my Internic contact information. Low and behold I found
that the company field in the whois query was wrong. I did a whois on a
few other internic handles I know and it looks as if they are wrong as

I thought at first that maybe someone changed my Internic contact
registration (which is why I'm sending my PGP key to them right now), but
the last update time is months ago, and I'm sure I would have noticed it
before now.

So did Internic's whois server break? Or did their registery get corrupt?

Looks like the registry is corrupt; My contact information is corrupt
now as well, as is my girlfriend's; we've both gotten assigned to
Lobo Net, rather than our proper locations. I looked up JM2789, but
it's garbled in a different manner. I wonder if everyone associated
with a particular domain is garbled in the same way?

Anyhow, this really bites. If the InterNIC wants to charge for
services, they really MUST take better care of the data.

- --
Jordan Mendelson :
Web Services, Inc. :

Matt Petach (MP59, also check BL223 for another data point)
NetFlight Consulting Services

% > So did Internic's whois server break? Or did their registery get corrupt?
% Looks like the registry is corrupt; My contact information is corrupt
% now as well, as is my girlfriend's; we've both gotten assigned to
% Lobo Net, rather than our proper locations. I looked up JM2789, but
% it's garbled in a different manner. I wonder if everyone associated
% with a particular domain is garbled in the same way?
% Anyhow, this really bites. If the InterNIC wants to charge for
% services, they really MUST take better care of the data.

I seem to remember a little while back something that happened -- the
InterNIC had a data corruption "along the wire" (their terms, not mine).
They claimed that the registry data itself had not been corrupted. The
symptoms: Totally bogus information in WHOIS requests for the particular
day, fixed by around 6pm or so CDT, as I recall.

I wonder if the problems that certain entities have been experiencing
relate to this "along the wire" data corruption the NIC mentioned didn't
cause any problems?


Yup, looks screwed up. My company info is wrong as well.


Although I like being from Sun Microsystems now, it would
be nice to fix the problem.. Has anyone heard
if this problem is currently being addressed and if
so, when it will be solved?