Internic does it again

Heads up!

Well our friends at Internic apparently forgot how to update their servers

* from here is showing a serial of 1997072500 with no
updates made Friday night showing (11:30am EDT July 27).

Oh well, out of date data is better than no data at all (the alternative),
I suppose.

Remind me not to buy their stock...


Uhm, yep, that's how it looks from the UK as well :wink:

Since when did InterNIC update their root servers on weekends? Last time I
checked it was M-F.


Since when did InterNIC update their root servers on weekends? Last time I
checked it was M-F.

Not update on weekends! Those perfidious bastards!

I demand my money back. They should be sued. Don't buy their stock.
Pillory them.

Do these fools have no real work that they spend their time trying to catch
others in mistakes and then make asses of themselves on the lists?
