Internet2 project

Hi, I'm a senior at the University of Pennsylvania. Myself and two other
students are currently working on our senior design project. We are
trying to design a process/method for the handling of trouble tickets for
Internet2. Some of the issues we are trying to address are: tying
existing trouble ticketing systems from various universities together;
interaction between universities, GigaPoPs, and the 2 ISPs (Qwest and
VBNS); structure of the ticketing system (access rights, handling
procedures, etc. For those of you familiar with I2, we would be very
grateful for any feedback you could provide. In addition, any information
that you could provide concerning trouble ticket systems for high speed
WANs would be greatly appreciated. All information will be used only for
research purposes and will be kept confidential. Thanks for your time.

Lou Camaratta -


We are working closely with Internet 2 on a trouble ticket system that will
interoperate over many different ISPs

I assume you are working with the NCNE team on this project?
