internet - sparkle

.written in 12/2015 - do y'all think this is accurate, and, in 2018, is it
still accurate ? (asking since my next question is related to Sparkle, since
they are listed in that previous article as a significant Internet presence)

Also, please tell me your feelings/experiences of Sparkle as an Internet
uplink provider. like for 10/100 gig.

My coworker just got back from ITW/Chicago and he is considering Sparkle as
an additional Internet provider for the ISP I work for in San Antonio, TX .
we would need to uplink to Sparkle in the central Texas area somehow. He
mentioned that Sparkle may be in McAllen / Dallas and could possibly, in the
future be in Austin or San Antonio

- Aaron

Replace Level3 with CenturyLink as they're basically taking over AS33566. Would add Zayo (AS6461) to the list.

I'm not familiar with Sparkle/Seabone to be honest as we're operating an eyeball network exclusively in the NA.

Additionally, whilst not "technically" a tier 1 provider, Hurricane
electric should be high on that list. Especially as one of the best
providers of and proponents for IPv6. We'll see into the future, HE may
have one of the most critical infrastructures, and should be a "part-owner"
of the internet.

Additionally, whilst not "technically" a tier 1 provider, Hurricane
electric should be high on that list. Especially as one of the best
providers of and proponents for IPv6. We'll see into the future, HE may
have one of the most critical infrastructures, and should be a "part-owner"
of the internet.

Fully disagree.

1). HE cant reach cogent on v6. Forget whos fault it is, it is a liability
for anyone that relies on HE

2). They dont support common bgp communities like no-export, so trying to
do TE is a mess.

3). They are at the center of nearly every bgp hijacking fiasco because
they dont have reasonable route controls.

HE is a liability to us all until they fix their bgp filters

HE listed currently in 7th place:


.written in 12/2015 - do y'all think this is accurate, and, in 2018, is it
still accurate ? (asking since my next question is related to Sparkle, since
they are listed in that previous article as a significant Internet presence)

I don't know about "owning" the Internet, but I would agree with the
article re: the 7 key global transit providers as things stand in 2018.

It matches up with our own compliment of transit providers in our
network (AS37100).

My coworker just got back from ITW/Chicago and he is considering Sparkle as
an additional Internet provider for the ISP I work for in San Antonio, TX .
we would need to uplink to Sparkle in the central Texas area somehow. He
mentioned that Sparkle may be in McAllen / Dallas and could possibly, in the
future be in Austin or San Antonio

My initial experience with TI Sparkle was in South East Asia back in
'08. They were decent.

We have them in our stable, and like them for their South American coverage.


If most of your traffic is for US based destinations, you might see worse
performance since Sparkle doesn't seem to have many US POPs/Peering
locations compared to Centurylink/Level3 or HE. You'd probably benefit more
by pulling in some peering from Dallas than adding or replacing a transit
provider as your current mix is decent for an eyeball network. Pick up
peering with Cloudflare, Netflix, Amazon, EdgeCast, Facebook, Apple,
Akamai, and Microsoft in Dallas and you might even be able to get rid of
one of your transit providers.

Sparkle would "shine" if you were a US hosting provider with many eyeballs
in Europe/Africa/Middle East.


Also Sparkle (AS6762) has a significant footprint in South America, I'd say
even bigger than Level 3 because they have mobile telco and broadband ISP
in Brazil.

I wouldn't worry much with latency in NA because at least in South America
they do hot potato (as everyone does) and all their PoPs exchange traffic
with at least Level 3. So I suspect traffic hardly ever exits their PoP
within their network.

Best regards,

Kurt Kraut


What's an eyeball network ?

How do you know my "current mix is decent" ?

Btw, I have onsite the cdn's aanp, ggc, oca, fna, so only about ~60% of my customer traffic is from Internet uplinks... ~40% is served from local cdn's


Agree with this :100:
Traffic engineering is non existent making it a pain to move your traffic besides not advertising the prefix to them

I assumed your AS number is 16527 and looked up who you currently are
peering with.

IXes are generally a far better use of eyeball resources than additional transit networks.

Obviously, there are some edge exceptions.