Internet Society survey regarding Network Operator involvement with the IETF

NANOGers -

  The folks at the Internet Society are looking for input into how network operators are (or are not)
  involved in IETF standards development. To that end, they've put together a short survey for
  network operators on this topic and are asking for help in getting the message out about it.

  The survey is available here: <>

  Some additional background info available here - <>

  If you feel so inclined, please complete the survey; it looks to be relatively short/painless.


The survey has a problem: the 'Previous' link actually continues on or
submits the form. I could not correct a response and the form went on
incomplete. I browse without JavaScript so this may be related to the

Good to know; I'll forward along to the some of Internet Society folks
so that they are aware of the issue.
