Internet: Getting more money ...??

Point may have been obscured. You add more facts (thanks!) the
question is what the $10 million represented -- did it include the
money IBM spent but did not charge the NSF?

It represented what NSF spent. I think AT&T bid $22M/year in 1987 for
a T1 network, though I didn't read that anywhere. The OIG report
describes the non-competitive nature of some of the alternate

As for the NSS's being still in place but disconnected, I thought the
lease was up a year ago. The NSS's certainly are not cost
effective. One of the problems that they faced in the versions
subsequent to those you had at ANS was running out of backplane
bandwidth for WAN-LAN (and LAN-LAN) transfers. Another of course was
their proprietary nature. The price tag doesn't surprise me, Rs/6ks
are expensive. But the sampling feature would be helpful in the SYN
attack situation.

The NSFNET was over in May 1995. IBM and ANS contracted for ANS to
pay IBM to support the routers for another year to allow time to find
a replacement and get them deployed. Things ran way behind schedule
so after June the NSS were no longer supported but still in use for
about 2 months.

