Internet Building topology


I am designing an "Internet Building" concept using ethernet. Below is a
model using 2 cisco Catalyst 1912's (12 port ethernet switch) and a
cisco 2501.

Switch 2 is on the 2nd floor and Switch 1 is in 1st floor. Does this
look like a viable topology? Are there other/better ways to approach
this for scaleability? Thanks for any ideas/experiences.

        x.x.x.0 /26 (Customer 2nd floor)
        > x.x.x.64 /26 (Customer 2nd floor)
  > >
        > >
  Switch 2 (2nd floor)
  A | B | C VLAN 1 = A+C
    > VLAN 2 = B+C
    > (cable drop between 1st and 2nd floor)
  Switch 1 (first floor)
  A | B | C VLAN 1 = B + C
  cisco (first floor)
  ip secondary x.x.x.0 /26
  ip secondary x.x.x.64 /26
       T1 to Internet