Internet blocked in Algeria?

Any confirmation of internet blocking?

As massive street demonstrations are met with widespread violence in
Algeria, the country is reporting that many Facebook accounts have been
deleted or blocked by the government, in an effort to stifle protests
against President Abdelaziz Boutifleka, activists on Twitter reported around
midday in the country.
They also said that the government is working fast to cut off all Internet
providers in the country.

At least some websites, though not all of them, that are linked off
seem to be working OK. I grant they're all government, but they're up
and serving requests.

Looks up to us, with the exception of a few websites. Routes stable,
inbound traceroutes unremarkable, lots and lots of DZ-hosted content

best, --jim


I wonder if the fb messing is filtering or a repeat of the Tunisian password
stealing gambit? I guess time will tell. I know fb implemented countrywide
https as a workaround in that case.


Any confirmation of internet blocking?

As massive street demonstrations are met with widespread violence in
Algeria, the country is reporting that many Facebook accounts have been
deleted or blocked by the government, in an effort to stifle protests
against President Abdelaziz Boutifleka, activists on Twitter reported around
midday in the country.
They also said that the government is working fast to cut off all Internet
providers in the country.

At least some websites, though not all of them, that are linked off
seem to be working OK. I grant they're all government, but they're up
and serving requests.

Looks up to us, with the exception of a few websites. Routes stable,
inbound traceroutes unremarkable, lots and lots of DZ-hosted content

I have received several reports of Twitter and Facebook outages in Algeria, but not general Internet blockage.

The Telegraph has this report


which talks vaguely of Internet outages.

On the other side of both the coin and the world, there is this

"Bloggers celebrate as Cuba unblocks their site"

Maybe this is connected to the new fiber optic cable to Venezuela, it seems to have caught everyone by surprise.


Any confirmation of internet blocking?

As massive street demonstrations are met with widespread violence in
Algeria, the country is reporting that many Facebook accounts have been
deleted or blocked by the government, in an effort to stifle protests
against President Abdelaziz Boutifleka, activists on Twitter reported
midday in the country.
They also said that the government is working fast to cut off all Internet
providers in the country.

I've had no reports, apart from unreliable third-hand sources (and only one
in Arabic). Most of them seeming to be just echoing a very vague report in
the UK's Daily Telegraph.

Also I'm sceptical of the combination of "Internet shut down" and "Facebook
pages deleted" in all of these reports. Those are two very different acts
and, while if you are worried about such things (Egypt did the former,
Tunisia did the latter), they aren't part of the some giant lever that a
government pulls.

I suspect people are just jittery in Algiers today.


I believe the cable was landed, but not actually lit yet. That's set for later this year based on what I recall from that cable landing.

- Jared
(looking forward for the day there are 10Gs lit to Cuba)