Internap Looking Glass / Route Server


I'm looking for a public looking glass / route server connected to
Internap - preferably in Los Angeles. Does such a thing exist?


I'm looking for a public looking glass / route server connected to
Internap - preferably in Los Angeles. Does such a thing exist?

similar subject, so excuse my piggybacking

i am looking for looking glass softwhere which will run against junos,
ios, and ios xr, so folk playing in the rpki origin validation testbed
can see the effect of their certs/roas/... on the testbed routers.



Internap do not have an external Looking Glass (not sure about Route Server,
but I suspect it's the same).

If you're a customer their helpdesk will run traceroutes/etc from a specific
location if you ask, within reason of course...


...and a request for off-list feedback but still borderline on topic...

I'm interested in this too, specifically the RPKI aspect. I would have
gone off-list with this, but I want to voice my interest.

Randy, I'd be interested in asking some specifics... contact me off-list
if you wouldn't mind.


Mehmet Akcin recommended

which looks good. but i am having some config problems
  o an update to is needed
  o i need docco for lg.conf

is there a known mailing list? someone with a clue bat?
