Interesting IPv6 viral video

Not quite accurate and a bit too dramatic on the panic side but the approach
is interesting to put C-Level folks in the hot seat about v6. Would be
interesting also to see if folks here get asked by C-Level folks bout IPv6.


ROFLMAO... Yeah, it's overstated and ridiculous, but, I especially laughed
at the follow-on video for "ignore the benefits of IPv6".


In a message written on Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 01:08:02PM -0700, Zaid Ali wrote:

Not quite accurate and a bit too dramatic on the panic side but the approach
is interesting to put C-Level folks in the hot seat about v6. Would be
interesting also to see if folks here get asked by C-Level folks bout IPv6.

If you have been trying to get your C-Level folks to understand the
problem for months or years and they won't listen, yet they come
to you after watching this Cisco video then you should go visit, or

lol... Is this video by cisco? what a funny way to mis-inform non-tech folks.

I don't have this problem thankfully but I know many do and it is probably
the major reason why v6 adoption is slow. Many networks needs money invested
to upgrade for v6 readiness. The message is do it now before the costs
dramatically increase. The problem with C-level folks is not they don't want
to do it but there is no financial incentive for them to do it, if there is
no direct benefit to drive revenue then why put the money? The barrier for
v6 is not technical it is purely financial, some understand the economics
and some don't. Finance people usually think that the longer you can put off
expenses the better it looks for your balance sheet. This is really the crux
of the problem.


Yes it is. When do marketing people get it right? I actually think the fun
hasn't begun yet. Wait till CNN/FOX etc makes this a big issue and claim the
internet is going to come to an end then folks with clue will have to go on
TV and calm the hysteria.


Like this?

Why would someone with clue want to calm the hysteria? I've had hysterical moments dealing with v6 transitions. Come to and end? Nah. Be a really rough ride? Unless things change, probably.


haha... definitely like this!!! :smiley:

Wait, if there's no transition to ipv6, the internet will end? And all our piracy and information control problems will end with it?
That's just grand! Quick, pass a law against ipv6 adoption! Mandatory death penalty! Why didn't anyone think of this sooner?

(NOW who says you can't put the genie back in the bottle? Stupid eggheads! :slight_smile: