Intellectual Property Claim Service for .BIZ


This is a "nanmg" topic, neh?

It is a bit late, but as we mostly learn from that frightful intersection
of theory and practice, do you have an alternative to propose than the IP
Claim process we came up with?

That's "NeuLevel", not Nuelevel, and some of the boundary conditions are
inflexibie: existance of ICANN, existance of marks, existance of speculators,
existance of money, and of course, finite ICANN and operator time to craft a
process moderately resiliant to some or all of the above.

Please don't sell our product if you think it is a scam. That wouldn't be
ethical conduct.

Eric Brunner-Williams NeuStar, Inc.
Senior Technical Industry Liaison
Phone: (Portland, ME) (Washington, DC) +1.202.533.2600/2975
smail: 1415 Forest Ave. 04103 1120 Vermont Ave. N.W., Ste 400, 20005

  Sorry, you are of course correct that this is probably not a nanog
appropriate issue. Also, yes, I agree that selling this service to our
customers would not be ethical.
