"Intel calls for Internet overhaul"

update SAN FRANCISCO--The Internet needs to be upgraded with a new layer
of abilities that will deal with imminent problems of capacity, security
and reliability, Intel Chief Technology Officer Pat Gelsinger said

Gelsinger pointed to PlanetLab, an experimental network that sits on top
of the Internet, as a step in the right direction. Hewlett-Packard and
Intel have begun work trying to commercialize the project, which was
started in 2002, in order to overlay the Internet with intelligence and
adaptability. [...]


Gelsinger pointed to PlanetLab, an experimental network that sits on top
of the Internet, as a step in the right direction.


[ and i use planetlab ]


Paul Vixie wrote:

update SAN FRANCISCO--The Internet needs to be upgraded with a new layer
of abilities that will deal with imminent problems of capacity, security
and reliability, Intel Chief Technology Officer Pat Gelsinger said

There is confusion in the air about the roles of "hosts" and "network" here?


Adaptability, capacity, security. Wait, isn't that what ipv6 was supposed to do?


update SAN FRANCISCO--The Internet needs to be upgraded with a new layer
of abilities that will deal with imminent problems of capacity, security
and reliability, Intel Chief Technology Officer Pat Gelsinger said

Gelsinger pointed to PlanetLab, an experimental network that sits on top
of the Internet, as a step in the right direction. Hewlett-Packard and
Intel have begun work trying to commercialize the project, which was
started in 2002, in order to overlay the Internet with intelligence and
adaptability. [...]

Which is ironic given that many visible trends (optical cores, mpls, l2 ip dslams) point to dumber network devices not smarter ones. maybe they're in the business of selling microprocessors?

It has become trendy, in some circles, to lament the Internet's poor
performance/congestion/non-deterministic nature/lack of security/<insert
issue here>. After firmly denouncing the Internet, the company or individual
then touts their product, which will fix/replace/augment the Internet.

Truth usually doesn't factor into the denunciation, which is where you get
things like the recent conference on "Preventing the Internet Meltdown" -
(http://www.pfir.org/meltdown), which suggested that some sort of electronic
catastrophe is, dare we hope, imminent.

In the mean time, I've decided to enjoy the Internet in the precious little
time it has left. (yes, that was sarcasm)

Which is ironic given that many visible trends (optical cores, mpls, l2 ip
dslams) point to dumber network devices not smarter ones. maybe they're in
the business of selling microprocessors?

so we can have a marketing war between those who would save the net
using micro network processors, those who would save the net using
mpls, those who would save the net using ipv6, ...

'cept i am not sure the net needs saving


Yeah, great, lots of backbone, but get me fiber to my house, maybe I'll be
Nice marketing, but, um, still only as good as its weakest link..
HDTV over IP bwhaaa haaa hong long did it take to get VOIP to work?? 10
years? A bit of forshadowing I'd say..

Yeah, great, lots of backbone, but get me fiber to my house, maybe I'll be
Nice marketing, but, um, still only as good as its weakest link..
HDTV over IP bwhaaa haaa hong long did it take to get VOIP to work?? 10
years? A bit of forshadowing I'd say..

oh, the fine folks at NSF will be funding that (7.5mil):


and Internet2 will deploy:


It has become trendy, in some circles,
performance/congestion/non-deterministic nature/lack of security/<insert
issue here>. After firmly denouncing the Internet, the company or
individual then touts their product, which will fix/replace/augment the

Really? Vendors trying to sell useless products? no way!
Its amazing the level of internet snake oil that still persists; and even
more hillarious is what people pay for it. I thought the bubble bursting
would've cut that out, yet still people pay actual dollars for "optimized"
internet routing appliances, and craptacular PC's filled with duct tape
and glue software.

In the mean time, I've decided to enjoy the Internet in the precious little
time it has left. (yes, that was sarcasm)

Well, we can always enjoy Internet2...

hmmph. Many moons ago I used to argue that the IETF should adopt/hijack
the DCE suite, and for the same basic reasons that this guy is arguing for
their thingy. DCE is probably a better idea still, but his payscale and
business card guarantee a wider audience so... Who knows, maybe he'll have
better luck with it. I'll salute if its architected and spec'd right, with
a good distributed directory, platform-neutral APIs, targetted use, etc.