Information about upcoming transition of mailing list ownership

Dear subscriber:

This message is to let you know about an upcoming change in the
ownership of this mailing list.

As you may know, the ownership and management of NANOG has been been
transferred from Merit Network to NewNOG, Inc., a non-profit led by
members of the NANOG community ( You can read
more details of this change at

As of Friday, February 25, this mailing list will be transferred to
NewNOG's management. Because you are a current member of this list,
your email address will be transferred from Merit to NewNOG. If you
prefer that your address not be transferred, you may unsubscribe
from the list before Friday, February 25, 2011. Instructions are
available at:

It has been a privilege for Merit to serve the NANOG community since
the formation of the group in 1994. We hope that you will choose to
continue as a subscriber to this list under NewNOG's stewardship.


Andy Rosenzweig
Merit Network, Inc.

It has been a privilege for Merit to serve the NANOG community since
the formation of the group in 1994.

the merit folk have done a great job since nanog happened out of techs.
you held the community together and helped move the internet forward.
deep thanks. and you're still family.


Most sincere thanks to Merit for their long time support to the
network community,
