Inexperienced Seeks Partner

Dear Peering Co-Ordinators or your respective NSPs. I have been
researching peering policies and current peering infrastructure and I
want to contact you to make you aware of my offerings. Five of my
friends and I have a dialup connection to 5 exchange points. We are
using 33.6 US Robotics Sportster Win-Modems with a linux box running
gated. We are applying for our own ASN, and we expect to get it soon.

Our content includes 2 irc servers, (one on efnet and the other on
undernet) and a web farm that serves 0 day warez and login/passwds for
over 1,000 porn sites. I think that we have higher quality content and
audience than most other companies dream of. Peering with us will
assure that your customers get the best possible connectivity to what is
obviously the creme brulee' of the internet.

We currently have connections at the Baltimore Nap, New York Nap, Boston
MAE g-Nap and the Latin Internet Exchange. Also, Could someone from
Agis contact me ASAP? I believe we finally met your peering

Thank you for your time, great apostles of the Internet, who were there
when the commandments(RFCs) were written, and when Jesus, (Vint Cerf)
still walked among the living (engineers). I am expectantly looking
forward to your peering requests.

Thank you for your time. Yours Sincerely,

Chuck U. Farley

31337 h4ck3r wrote (on Feb 13):

Dear Peering Co-Ordinators or your respective NSPs. I have been
researching peering policies and current peering infrastructure and I
want to contact you to make you aware of my offerings. Five of my
friends and I have a dialup connection to 5 exchange points. We are
using 33.6 US Robotics Sportster Win-Modems with a linux box running
gated. We are applying for our own ASN, and we expect to get it soon.

Ludicrous as it sounds, I wonder just how long it would take to download
a full routing table from, say, two providers and a large number of
peer's local routes over a few 33.6's...

I'd hate to see it when they restart gated. :slight_smile:


31337 h4ck3r wrote:

Our content includes 2 irc servers, (one on efnet and the other on


i run two undernet servers myself, and in addition i'm the undernet admins
secretary, and i've never heard of these guys.

5 33.6k modems for two irc servers on large networks ?

thanks for brightening my morning

a bemused

friends and I have a dialup connection to 5 exchange points. We are
using 33.6 US Robotics Sportster Win-Modems with a linux box running
gated. We are applying for our own ASN, and we expect to get it soon.

Winmodems with a Linux box? Last I checked, there was no software driver,
nor was there any intent on developing one (given USR's strict
non-disclosure policies)... Am I missing something here?

Yes. The punch line. :wink:


P.S. Heh. "1337 h4ck3r" :wink:

Adam Rothschild wrote:

> friends and I have a dialup connection to 5 exchange points. We are
> using 33.6 US Robotics Sportster Win-Modems with a linux box running
> gated. We are applying for our own ASN, and we expect to get it soon.

Winmodems with a Linux box? Last I checked, there was no software driver,
nor was there any intent on developing one (given USR's strict
non-disclosure policies)... Am I missing something here?

I think the list has been trolled.... Check out the name the guy used
in his closing..."Chuck U. Farley".

I think one would have to agree that it's a joke :wink:


Speaking on my own behalf, and not anyone elses.

31337 h4ck3r wrote:

> Our content includes 2 irc servers, (one on efnet and the other on
> undernet)


i run two undernet servers myself, and in addition i'm the undernet admins
secretary, and i've never heard of these guys.

I was wondering when I voted for their servers as one of the routing
commitee members for the Undernet as well. I laughed just as hard Peter